Hi Jeff,

Dod is talking about HTML email and you are talking about RTF email. Not the
same format.

btw: I think RTF email is only used by old Microsoft software. Currently all
email software use HTML emails.

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----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jeff Cook" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'ICS support mailing'" <twsocket@elists.org>
Sent: Tuesday, April 08, 2008 1:25 AM
Subject: Re: [twsocket] Sending mail with SMTPClient including images

> Hi Dod
> I understand this bit (I think):-
> > but an image in a mail is a  BASE64  encoded  attachement  so  if  you
> > convert HTMLToString then you'll  only  get  the  HTML  text part of
> your mail, not the attached binary files like
> > images.
> But here, I'm not with you
> > To do this you may have to decode attached picture into its orignal
> non BASE64
> > fomrmat then load it into you RichEdit.
> ... Because I have already loaded the image  (Code below).
> The effect I'm trying to get is exactly like (say) MS Outlook where, in
> HTML format mails, you can enter formatted text and past images e.g. a
> screen shot.  I can get that far with what I have written, except that
> the image gets stripped on the way out.  I DON'T want to have the image
> sent as an attachment (can already do that) but want it in the body of
> the email itself.
> Cheers
> Jeff
> ============================
> This is how the image gets into the richedit:-
>       i := 0;
>       while i >= 0 do
>       begin
>         i := BodyText.FindText('{Other|Photo}', 0, MaxInt, []);
>         if i >= 0 then
>         begin
>           BodyText.SelStart := i;
>           BodyText.SelLength := 13;
>           with Common.dlgOpenPicture do
>           begin
>             InitialDir := Common.GetPreference('Photo Location');
>             if Execute then
>             begin
>               Pict := TPicture.Create;
>               try
>                 Pict.LoadFromFile(FileName);
>                 BodyText.InsertGraphic(Pict.Graphic, True);
>               finally
>                 Pict.Free;
>               end;
>             end
>             else break;
>           end;
>         end;
>       end;
> ============================
> JC> Hi
> JC> Currently I have a program that works 99% OK ;-)
> JC> I compose a rich text email in
> JC> BodyText: TJvRichEdit;
> JC> and I send it with code like this:-
> JC>       if BodyText.PlainText then sl.Text := BodyText.Text
> JC>       else Common.JvRichEditToHtml.ConvertToHtmlStrings(BodyText,
> JC> sl);
> JC> where sl is a TStringList.
> JC> Then (code that was straight out of an example) :-
> JC> procedure TSMTPMailMsgForm.SmtpClientGetData(Sender: TObject;
> JC>   LineNum: Integer; MsgLine: Pointer; MaxLen: Integer; var More:
> JC> Boolean); var
> JC>   Len: Integer;
> JC> begin
> JC>   if LineNum > sl.Count then
> JC>     More := FALSE
> JC>   else begin
> JC>     Len := Length(sl.Strings[LineNum - 1]);
> JC>         { Truncate the line if too long (should wrap to next line) }
> JC>     if Len >= MaxLen then
> JC>       StrPCopy(MsgLine, Copy(sl.Strings[LineNum - 1], 1, MaxLen -
> 1))
> JC>     else
> JC>       StrPCopy(MsgLine, sl.Strings[LineNum - 1]);
> JC>   end;
> JC> end;
> JC> Now this works and we get nicely formatted emails sent out.  EXCEPT
> JC> when the user puts an Image into the BodyText (TJvRichEdit).
> JC> In this case the image is simply dropped.
> JC> I'm hoping that there is a simple solution that doesn't involve
> JC> rewriting too much !
> JC> --
> JC> Jeff Cook
> JC> "The Cooks" Oasis
> JC> The Cooks Ltd
> JC> Phone: +682 28 213
> JC> Skype: jeffraro
> JC> www.cookislandsoasis.com <http://www.cookislandsoasis.com/>
> JC>
> <http://fta.firetrust.com/index.cgi?id=jeffraro&amp;page=1&amp;campaign=
> aspect_email>> I use and recommend MailWasher Pro to keep my mailbox
> JC> clear of SPAM
> -- 
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