thats great. is it possible to use ssl and non-ssl at the same time? 
i.e. for a pop3 client that can connect to a aecure and a nonsecure server ?
> Here are a few things worth mentionning :-)
> =======
> As promised long time ago, ICS-SSL is now going public. 
> It means everybody will have free access to the source code.
> ICS-SSL is nearly finished. It is already used by more than 
> 150 contributors, many in real commercial application with 
> great success.
> ICS-SSL would never have happened without all those 
> contributors, among two of them I would like to specially 
> thanks: Arno Garrels and Angus Robertson. Arno has done a 
> really incredible work in designing many parts of ICS-SSL
> while Angus has done some development and a lot of
> testing and bug fixing. Of course, I would also thanks 
> developers that contributed financially. Without that 
> money I would not have been able to work as much on the 
> project.
> The project is not finished ! It will simply now released 
> to the freeware community with the secret hope that a lot of
> developers will contribute to the development.
> SSL enabled components are just the regular components
> with SSL code magically inserted using a conditionla
> symbol. In short, define use_ssl and suddently your
> ICS components are enabled for SSL.
> There are some demos in SslInternet folder.
> It is not possible to explain everything here. Please use
> the support mailing list to ask for help.
> ICS-V7
> ======
> Angus Robertson, Arno Garrels and Francois Piette are proud
> to announce the new ICS-V7 also known as "ICS for Tiburon".
> Actually you need to have access to Delphi 2009 to use the
> new unicode features but previous Delphi/BCB versions are 
> still OK of course. V7 is at alpha level and currently 
> efforts are concentrated on Delphi 2009.
> Basically, ICS-V7 is ICS-V6 with partial unicode support.
> Currently the components are working mostly as before
> while using unicode strings. This will allows you to port
> your current applications to Delphi 2009 and of course
> write new applications.
> We hope to fully support unicode soon. We will be happy
> to have help from any ICS community member.
> ICS-V6
> ======
> This is the version you should use today or at least very
> soon tommorow. Currently there is a release candidate
> available for download at
> ICS-V5
> ======
> This is the old version. It is still there to support
> old applications. Forget it for new one. No new development
> will take place and migration to ICS-V6 is easy.
> ==========================
> To ease the development, for both ICS and ICS-SSL, there 
> is now a SVN repository. Again, I would like to thanks 
> Arno and Angus who both made it possible. Angus providing 
> the hosting while Arno providing the management.
> The repository actually contains ICS-V5, ICS-V6 and ICS-V7.
> The SSL stuff has been merged into the regular ICS code
> so there is only one code base. The SSL code is compiled
> when the symbol use_ssl is defined for your project.
> To access the repository, you need to use a subversion
> client. For example TortoiseSVN ( 
> which is very good and OpenSource. 
> Once your SVN client is installed, for ICS-V6 you can 
> browse to svn:// or 
> or for ICS-V5 to: 
> svn:// or
> ICS-V7 is a part of V6, in ics/branches/icsv7.  All use 
> usercode = ics and password = ics for read access.  
> Write access is only available to TeamICS.  
> SVN works by keeping a local development directory in 
> synchronism with the repository directory.  TortoiseSVN 
> integrates into Windows Explorer, navigate to the local 
> directory to which ICS will be downloaded, right click in 
> Explorer and take SVN Checkout, enter the URL from above, 
> ensure the local directory is correct and click to 
> download the files. Subsequent changes are found by right 
> clicking in the root and taking SVN Update which will just 
> download anything changed or new. 
> You are really welcome to participate in the development 
> and submit your fixes and changes. To do so, simply use 
> TortoiseSVN "diff file" facility and make your changes 
> available somewhere and announce it in the support
> mailing list (or mail it to one of TeamICS member).
> If you need help, please use the support mailing list.
> Best regards
> --
> The author of the freeware multi-tier middleware MidWare
> The author of the freeware Internet Component Suite (ICS)

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