Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd wrote:
>> Your new account INI files as well as other INI files contain file
>> names.
> But I doubt any developers will be using non-ANSI file names.

I had to use them frequently when I was testing Unicode. It's just
annoying that you have to reenter those properties again and again 
since any characters not in current ANSI code page are stored as "?".
A move from TIniFile to TRegIniFile was so easy and required minimal
code change, just a different file name parameter in the constructor
that's all.

>> I also like to be able to copy some arbitrary text (Japanese looks
>> so nice) into SMPT demo's message text Memo and get that restored.
> Mail is a different issue, no problem with that being stored as
> Unicode. 
>> There's no problem if you write to HKCU.
> There is if you want to configure settings for a service to use, 

OK, but I'm talking about the ICS demo applications not about service 
applications or general use of INI files. 

Arno Garrels
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