
> procedure TSplashForm.HttpCliDocEnd(Sender: TObject);
> begin
>   if HttpCli.RcvdStream <> nil then begin
>     HttpCli.RcvdStream.Free;
>     HttpCli.RcvdStream := nil;
>   end;
> end;
> procedure TSplashForm.HttpCliRequestDone(Sender: TObject;
>   RqType: THttpRequest; ErrCode: Word);
> var
>   i: integer;
>   sl: TStringList;
>   b: Boolean;
>   sReleaseDate: string;
> begin
>   if ErrCode = 0 then
>   begin
>     sl := TStringList.Create;
>     sl.LoadFromStream(HttpCli.RcvdStream); <<<< AV here

> What am I doing wrong?

Probably you're freeing destination stream before using it. Put something

if HttpCli.RcvdStream=nil then
        ShowMessage('RcvdStream is NIL, click OK to crash.');

before "sl.LoadFromStream(HttpCli.RcvdStream);" to check whether that's the

Piotr Dałek


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