
Fantastic answer. Thanks for going the extra distance to explain it. 
It's appreciated.

Yep to the application :)



Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd wrote:
>> exec sp_InsertVehicleData;1 '2009/01/17
>> 15:48:12',1,'0358104000636686','00000F611B8C',17,$53.5161,$-2.2367,0
>> ,$15475.
>> 5996,$0.0000,$0.0000,0,0,'S',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'',$-2.2367,$53.5161,$6
>> 5535.000
>> 0,0x010358104000636686FF447800344015FF2A00000F611B8C11EAC5738C791056
>> 42C0260F
>> C00008B90400000000C0260FC07910564200FF7F47900105,60,1,'447800344015'
> So you're collecting moving vehicle GPS data from a UK mobile telephone
> modem for a map, seen it all before <g>
>> So, you solution would be something like creating a string:
> Essentially yes, except ADO adds sp_ and ;1 so just use the stored
> procedure name:
> exec InsertVehicleData xxx 
> And you've got a wide range of data types in your parameter list there,
> which you need to ensure match the data types in the stored procedure,
> those hex strings look strange, but then I don't store binary stuff.
> You're original error could be in those strings.  You might be better
> passing strange numbers as VARCHAR and converting them to numerics in the
> stored procedure itself, assuming you can mess with it. 
> Getting back on topic with ICS, this is how I build the parameter to save
> my FTP server statistics in SQL:
>     cmd := 'EXEC ftp_events_updx1 ' +
>         IntToStr (FtpServers [servnr].StartId) + paramSep +
>         QuotedStr (EventState) + paramSep +
>         QuotedStr (Comment) + paramSep +
>         '0' + paramSep +          // endpos
>         IntToStr (FtpServers [servnr].TotalXmit) + paramSep +
>         IntToStr (FtpServers [servnr].TotalRecv) + paramSep +
>         IntToStr (secs) + paramSep +          // duration secs
>         IntToStr (FtpServers [servnr].MaxSpeedXmit) + paramSep +
>         IntToStr (FtpServers [servnr].MaxSpeedRecv) ;
>     ExecSqlFtpCmd (cmd) ;
> and this is the core of the function to call SQL and get a resultset,
> which just contains two fields with an error code and description in this
> case, but could be a million records.
> DataSetFtpUpd.Recordset := ADOConn.Execute (cmd) ;
> if DataSetFtpUpd.RecordCount = 1 then
> begin
>    dbretcode := DataSetFtpUpd.Fields[0].DisplayText ;
>    result := AscToInt (DataSetFtpUpd.Fields[2].DisplayText) ;
> end ;
> Angus

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