Eric Fleming Bonilha wrote:
>> TIcsThreadTimer is a good choice for 10,000+ of lazy timers,
>> when accuracy isn't very important.
>> TIcsTimer is a 'normal' timer that requires a TIcsWndControl instance
>> to work. There are demos of both in the MiscDemos directory.
> What I did was something similar, but not using messages
> I actually have instances of TSharedTimer, and I have a manager with
> a list of all timers created, this manager has a TTimer with 10ms
> loop, and it calls the OnTimer event of the timers when they are
> ready to be triggered 
> The limitation is that the OnTimer events of SharedTimer will be
> called from within the main thread only.
> It is working really good and I can create 10.000+ timers even with
> high resolution (not THAT high, but as low as 30ms), without using
> system resources as handles, only memory

One limitation with such kind of implementation (might not be relevant)
is that the application blocks until entire list of events is processed.
Like iterating over a list of n server clients blocks all clients.

Arno Garrels
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