
> I wish to continue with SSL if there is no difference.

SSL is an add-on, so skip that for now, you have to understand the
basics first . 

> Now,
> The project "OverbyteIcsSrvTcp" has absolutely nothing in inside to
> help me. I can't find anything about sending or receiving in this
> project. 

Huch? There's method WSocket1DataAvailable that receives data
and SendButtonClick that sends strings.

> The project "OverbyteIcsClient7"  gives me nothing else but errors
> saying --> Socket not connected!

TCP/IP requires a connection before data can be sent or received.
A client has to connect to the server first.

> This is all what I can see in this project, which I already have
> tryed to use with no success.

> procedure TCli7Form.WSocket1DataAvailable(
>     Sender  : TObject;
>     ErrCode : Word);

This method triggers whenever data sent by the server is received.

But wait, I just found and fixed a bug in OverbyteIcsCli7 that was introduced
during the Unicode conversion. Exchange function RemoveEndOfLine by :

function RemoveEndOfLine(const Line : String) : String;
    if (Length(Line) >= Length(EndOfLine)) and
       (StrLComp(PChar(@Line[1 + Length(Line) - Length(EndOfLine)]),
                 Length(EndOfLine)) = 0) then
        Result := Copy(Line, 1, Length(Line) - Length(EndOfLine))
        Result := Line;

Arno Garrels

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