My fix seems to work on our web proxy server!

If nobody has any objection, Arno or Francois could you apply this to SVN?

Best Regards,

On Sun, Mar 20, 2011 at 3:15 PM, Fastream Technologies

> Hello,
> procedure TCustomWSocket.InternalAbort(ErrCode : Word);
> begin
>     CancelDnsLookup; // ==> may raise exception due to Winsock error 11002!
>     DeleteBufferedData;
>     { Be sure to close as fast as possible (abortive close) }
>     if (State = wsConnected) and (FProto = IPPROTO_TCP) then begin
>         LingerOnOff := wsLingerOff;
>         SetLingerOption;
>     end;
>     InternalClose(FALSE, ErrCode);
> end;
> I propose to surround the canceldnslookup with a try/catch. Any objection?
> Regards,
> SZ
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