Arno, in this moment the client sends the entire certificates chain:
1. its client certificate issued by the intermediary CA (2 from bellow)
2. intermediary certificate issued by the root CA
3. root CA

The only certificate that is common between our server chain and client chain 
is (3) root CA.

This should be enough, the communication should continue as both chains are 
issued by the same CA root. Please correct me if i'm wrong.

The issue that I encounter is that in onsslverifypeer event I receive error 7.
Further more, I managed to obtain a valid communication when I've always 
returned OK = 1 in that event but ONLY when sslcontext.sslverifydepth is 0. 
This has no logic for me.

Thank you very much for your time. You're assistance is really appreciated.
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