Server gives info of connected client with it's ip and the ID, the ID is very important for me because I need to use it for sending commands to the client.

Client sends a message where it tells it's name etc. when it is connected. I push client to send message to the server with lot of info.

What I would like to do is,
to combine these 2 messages together where I could get the ID and the computer name with all the other info I need from the client.
Is it any possible to do this?

If I understand correctly, what you name your first message is not really a message, it is just the event triggered at server side when a client is connection to the server. At that time, the client has still not send anything.

Your second message comes later and is available from the OnDataAvailable event handler at server side.

You should store this per client information in the TTcpSrvClient class (just add new members as you need). As long a the connection is alive, TTcpSrvClient class instance will hold any value you store in it. In all events the "client" argument point to the same instance.

The author of the freeware multi-tier middleware MidWare
The author of the freeware Internet Component Suite (ICS)

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