Greetings.. I have been using the ICS package for a few weeks now and find it very nice to use.

I have an old application that was passed to me to maintain... (aka, you are the support... we lost the source, good luck)

Well up until recently things went well.. to a point. Now alot of changes are needed for a new system platform..
problem is, source got lost years ago.. many years ago..

The person who wrote it, no longer with company (many years) and the source has been long gone.

It was a VT100 terminal client app for an internal service of ours. Plus it had many other features built into it, not just the terminal.

One thing it had was the terminal could do was scale the fonts/ect when form resize.. so if made it full screen mode... it would
do whatever and fonts looked nice and took up the whole screen.

With ICS, it looks like this is doable.. CharWidth, LineZoom, CharZoom, LineHeight, FontSize, ect...

Well I can only make it work if I use the edit options and manually dink with these until it works.. then if i resize the form, do it all over again. Change the font size to be smaller or bigger, and tweak each other property until all is good. For the end user, that wont be acceptable.

Is there any better way to calculate the proper font size to use, and change all the other properties to make it so when the end user resizes the form, it will scale right? I've been banging my head on this for days, and can only get half working and ugly

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