That's confusing description. Did he buy a SSL server certificate in
order to access your server? Or are you talking about client certificates?
The customer already have a SSL certificate on his domain, so he want that my HttpServer use SSL with this certificate.

Please provide more details about how you setup the component to
use your the certificates. What HTTP client application is used?
Here is my initialization :

    TMyService = class(TService)
        SslHttpServer: TSslHttpServer;
        TWSslAvlSessionCache: TSslAvlSessionCache;
        TWSslContext: TSslContext;


procedure TMyService.ServiceStart(Sender: TService; var Started: Boolean);

    SslCertFile := APath + 'MyCertificate.pem';
    SslPassPhrase := '';
    SslPrivKeyFile := APath + 'MyCertificate.pem';
    SslCAFile := APath + 'MyCertificate.pem';
    SslCAPath := APath;
    SslVerifyPeer := False;

    // Pre-loads OpenSSL DLL's
    DoLog('OpenSslVersion : ' + OpenSslVersion);
    DoLog(OpenSslCompilerFlags + #13#10 + OpenSslBuiltOn
                + #13#10 + OpenSslPlatForm + #13#10 + OpenSslDir);


Guillaume ROQUES

Le 20:59, Arno Garrels a écrit :
ROQUES Guillaume wrote:
Hi everyone,

I use ICS HTTPServer via SSL and a Self-Signed certificate (It is OK
for an internal use). One of my customer had to access our Web server
from outside and bought a ceritificate to a Certificate Authority
(GlobalSign) in p7b format.
That's confusing description. Did he buy a SSL server certificate in
order to access your server? Or are you talking about client certificates?

Could you explain me if I have to convert this format into PEM format
OR is there a way to configure ICS server SSL to handle this kind of
format ?
Yes, you have to convert it to PEM format. p7b is a bundle format that
usually contains multiple certificates, that is the certificate chain
up to the root certificate in most cases.

I tried to convert this p7b format with openssl command line
openssl pkcs7 -print_certs -in certificate.p7b -out certificate.pem|
I don't know whether or not that command line is correct from top of my
head. However openssl is capable to convert p7b to PEM nicely.

But I got a "SslHandshake failed" from ICS HTTPserver......
Please provide more details about how you setup the component to
use your the certificates. What HTTP client application is used?

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