On 21-10-2011 19:18, Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd wrote:
Oct 21, 2011 V7.41 Angus added OnHttpMimeContentType to allow custom
ContentTypes to be supported for unusual file extensions.
Seems to be working, but why the heck you call the internal DocumentToContentType, even if it is assigned a substitute method?! At least add an "Handled" variable, and just call the internal if not handled by the external one. Also, why the connection can't check if the event is assigned in its owner server, and call it directly? Why all these trigger... duplication calls. I suppose it's because this extended the sub-classing possibilities, but I don't see any advantage here, as there is no internal code to override. Or I'm missing something?

I will look at getting MIME types from the registry, but maybe not for a
week or so.
That could be useful, but add it as a server Option. If in the options, charge an internal server ExtToContentType structure (on demand, for each new extension conversion). If not, don't spend cycles doing something not required by the application.
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