François Piette wrote:

> I'm planning the next ICS version.

Interesting, I'm planning it since last year as well, 
namely in the IPv6/FireMonkey beta branch and while porting
ICS to XE2 64-bit. What are your actual plans except abandon
support for older compilers? 

> Being unable to use any features added to Delphi in the last 10 years
> is very restricted.  Maybe we need to cease support for old Delphi
> versions ? 

Abandon Delphi 7 support was just stupid unless someone rewrites ICS 
to take full advantage of the new and powerful language features at the 
same time, sorry ( I won't be the guy doing this ). 

Actually the tweaks required to get current ICS compiled from D7 up to 
latest RAD Studio version are **very minor** (oh, this property 
StrictDelimiter doesn't exist in D7? **come on**). 
BTW: Indy still supports D5!

Taking into account that many of the new language features can't be used
without problems before XE/2010 (because of bugs), it makes *no sense* at
all to abandon D7 if at the same time support for D2007 is kept. It would 
make sense though to start a _new version from *scratch*, such an incarnation 
of ICS ;) would then of course support only XE+ or maybe D2010+, is that
your plan?  


> --
> The author of the freeware multi-tier middleware MidWare
> The author of the freeware Internet Component Suite (ICS)
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