I have an application which uploads a small file every 10 seconds using a TFtpClient. I have the timeout set to 15 seconds. One installation is getting a timeout every couple of minutes:

21:08:42:327 ! HighLevelAsync 0
21:08:42:327 032A77E0 TriggerDataSent 936
21:08:42:358 >|227 Entering Passive Mode (xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx).|

21:08:42:358 ! HighLevelAsync 0
21:08:42:358 TWSocket will connect to xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:45789
21:08:42:452 ! Data Session opened (Put)
21:08:42:452 032A7EF0 TriggerDataSent 852
21:08:42:452 032A77E0 TriggerDataSent 936
21:08:42:467 >|150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|

21:08:42:467 ! Send first block
21:08:42:467 DataSocketPutDataSent 1340
21:08:42:467 032A7EF0 TriggerDataSent 852
21:08:42:467 DataSocketPutDataSent 0
21:08:42:467 032A7EF0 TCustomWSocket.Shutdown 1 852
21:08:42:514 >|226 Transfer complete|

21:08:42:514 ! Next3PutAsync
21:08:58:327 ! Aborting
21:08:58:327 ! HighLevelAsync 0
21:08:58:327 ! Abort detected
21:08:58:327 ! HighLevelAsync done
21:08:58:327 032A7EF0 TCustomWSocket.Shutdown 1 852
21:08:58:327 ! Data Session closed
21:08:58:327 ! Next3PutAsync
21:08:58:327 ! HighLevelAsync 0

Could you please tell me what the client is expecting at the point in the process when the timeout occurs?

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