brian - wrote:
> After RequestDone with THttpCli, if there is an -unhandled- exception
> before the code is out of ReqDone stack, RequestDone is triggered
> again. 

> You will see RequestDone is triggered twice, and external exception
> handlers or delphi's don't trigger at all (e.g madExcept).

If you want MadExcept handle those exceptions add i.e. these lines

This tells ICS to call the global Application's exception handler
for any unhandled background exception in main thread context rather 
than eat unhandled exceptions. 

> I know I can solve this by using try/except on the final code, or
> using BgException (canclose := False),

Indeed it's best practice to catch and handle all exceptions in the
event handlers. 

> but why is this happening?

It happens because Abort is called by default on unhandled exceptions
which in turn calls OnRequestDone() again.

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