> Everything worked fine in my app till 31 May 2015.
>     FLastProgress  : Int64;
>     if FLastProgress < GetTickCount then begin
> Do I have to clear the FLastProgress and  FProgressCount variables 
> after upload complete?

Had your program been running for 49 days on 1 June?  

GetTickCount returns a longword, which wraps after 49 days, but you save it as a
int64 which does not wrap.  You should reset FLastProgress to ensure progress is
should immediately.  

For the purpose of a second time, the wrap does not matter, if you need to time
something over the 49 day wrap then you need more care in processing ticks, 
the FTP component does internally.  

Or you can use the 64-bit tick functions in OverbyteIcsTicks64.pas (but never 
mix 32
and 64-bit ticks.


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