> Always is needed use the OnDataSent event ?
> I need only transfer the tmemorystream off a Timage1 to Timage2 over

You may send a huge block of data in one Send call. An entire image if you
like. BUT remember TWSocket is asynchronous and transmitting data over the
network takes time. You call to the Send method will return almost
instantly, way long before the data is actually sent: TWSocket will
automatically buffer the data in memory and send it in the background for
you. This may take a lot of memory if you send large data. This may be of no
importance for your application, or it IS important...

When using OnDataSent event, you have control on the size of data that is
memorized. For example you can read your stream 4KB (Any value is OK) at a
time, send that chunk of data and then read the next chunk from the
OnDataSent event, that is the next chunk will be read and put in internal
TWSocket buffer only when previous chunk is sent. This is how the HTTP
component (both client and server) are working to send data. This way it
doesn't matters if a multi GB file is sent. The memory used is always the
size of the chunk your application read.

The author of the freeware multi-tier middleware MidWare
The author of the freeware Internet Component Suite (ICS)

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