Hi everyone,

Our customer signal us that their firewall blocked some transmissions between our web pages and the web server since our upgrade : which cause blank pages....

We use ICS http server component (v8.34).
Our web pages use jquery (2.2.4) to "POST" ajax query : Nothing has changed between our versions on this method.
They use our application through a DMZ with a VPN.

They told us that their firewall (cisco) have this error :
corresponding to "fast duplicate ACK".

I red the definition of this issue and it seems that it is used by the receiver of the query (the Web server) to ask missing packets, but we downgraded from jquery 2.1.4 to 2.2.4 and no more issues...o_O

I would like to know if someone have experienced this kind of issue or someone have a good advice to this situation where we can't upgrade jquery ?? Is it a web server configuration or way of using it problem ? or is it a jquey problem ?

Thanks and excuse my english by the way,

Guillaume ROQUES

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