> If you running in a thread you  have to write a message pump. Now 
> the only thing you do is executing a Get. But this has no 
> difference in http or https.

> > I used Indy-Components for a long time, i stucked when i tried 
> > to access an AXIS-Camera with a very high resolution. 

Indeed, Indy is blocking so you need to use threads all over the place,
whereas ICS is event driven and will handle several hundred
simultaneous sessions in a single thread. At least provided those
connections are not doing other blocking things like writing to a

The camera says you have an authentication problem, so I'd look at the
code in SslHttpCliBeforeAuth and see how it differs from the non-SSL

You can also the onCommand event to log what headers are actually being
sent to the camera, I don't understand what you trying to do in
BeforeAuth and it might not be producing the result you expect. 

The latest OverbyteIcsHttpProt in SVN and the overnight zip has a new
HTTP property, ExtraHeaders,to simplify adding extra headers to
a request (previously done using onBeforeHeaderSend event), and that is
specifically for strange authentication purposes like OAuth2. 


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