Title: TYJP: Mid-End August Events (Reminder)

Shalom everyone!

Although nothing has changed since the last installment of this events newsletter, I have been asked to resend it to remind everyone of the upcoming events, especially the Learn to Scuba Part.  RSVPs must be received by tomorrow (Thursday) night.

On that note, please find detailed information for the following:
    Thursday, August 15, 2002:  Happy Hour in Chapel Hill
Sunday, August 18, 2002:  Joint Mosaic/TYJP “Learn to Scuba” Party (RSVPs Required)

Mark your calendars for these other events; more information will follow in subsequent Emails.
Thursday, August 15, 2002:  Happy Hour in Chapel
Thursday, September 19, 2002:  Happy Hour in Raleigh
Sunday, September 29, 2002:  Joint TYJP/Mosaic JewBowl Football followed by another Football Spectator event.
Sunday, October 6, 2002:  Swing Dancing at Clifton’s on Newton
Sunday, October 20, 2002:  State Fair
Thursday, October 17, 2002:  Happy Hour
Sunday, October 27, 2002:  Brunch at Weaver Street
Saturday, November 9, 2002:  Poker Night
Sunday, November 10, 2002:  Crafts for Charity
Thursday, November 14, 2002:  Happy Hour
Thursday, December 5, 2002:  Chanukah Happy Hour
Wednesday, December 18, 2002:  Board/Planning Meeting
Wednesday, December 25, 2002:  Game Day/Night

Don’t forget that Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur begin early this year (September 6 and September 15).  This is the reason nothing is planned the first two weeks of September.

Happy Hour in Chapel Hill: 

When:  Thursday, August 15, 2002
Time:  7:00PM
Where:  Carolina Brewery, 460 West Franklin Street, Chapel Hill (919-942-1800)

Please feel free to visit the Carolina Brewery’s web site:  http://carolinabrew.citysearch.com

BEST HAMBURGER IN THE TRIANGLE - Spectator Magazine & The Daily Tar Heel

“Carolina Brewery is proud to offer FREE PARKING for all of our guests, subject to availability.  Our PRIVATE PARKING LOT is located off of West Rosemary Street and backs up directly behind Carolina Brewery. Upon arrival, please notify our host staff of your auto's make and model and enjoy our FREE PARKING!  Quite possibly the only "free parking" in downtown Chapel Hill!

“Directions to Carolina Brewery:

From I-40 East:
Take Exit 266 towards Chapel Hill.  Take a right from the exit ramp onto Airport Road/Highway 86. Continue into Downtown Chapel Hill until the intersection of Franklin Street and Airport Road.  Take a right at Franklin Street and proceed 1/4 mile.  Carolina Brewery will be on your right side.  Our Free Parking will be around the corner and directly behind the Brewery.

From I-40 West:
Take I-40 West until Exit 270 for Hwy 15-501.  At the top of the exit ramp, take a left and proceed 2 miles until an exit on your right for Franklin Street.  Take the Franklin Street exit, go for 4.5 miles until Carolina Brewery will be on your right.  Our Free Parking will be around the corner and directly behind the Brewery.

For more information, please contact Marc Harber at [EMAIL PROTECTED].

Joint Mosaic/TYJP “Learn to Scuba” Party:

When:  Sunday, August 18, 2002
Time:  Starting at 10 (please arrive on time, Instructions will start at 10:15 Sharp) ending around 12, but it can go longer if we need to.
Where:  Gypsy Divers Aquatic Center, 3651 Bastion Lane, Raleigh, NC 27604 (Phone: 919.255.1931)

Gypsy Divers web site:  http://www.gypsydivers.com.  Their website has directions to their place or you can put the address into Mapquest (http://www.mapquest.com).

What should I bring?
==>  Swimsuit
  ==>  Towel
  ==>  Clothes to change into
  ==>  Mask, fins, snorkel (if you have them, otherwise they will provided)

Gypsy Divers will be providing us with Scuba equipment, instructors, and their indoor pool to play in.  If you want to come, but do not want to try on the scuba gear that is fine.  You can still play in the pool!  At the beginning we will watch a short safety video and then we will sign a waiver, which is why we ask everyone to arrive at 10 am.  Once we have done that we will be going into the pool area to get a quick lesson on how to use the equipment before donning our tanks and jumping in!  This is a great opportunity to try to scuba without going through the certification courses.  If you like it then you can ask the instructors about the classes.

Other information:
==>  There are a lot of pizza deliveries near the dive shop, so if a group wants to order pizza while we are there that is an option.  Otherwise, there will be some soda and chips for everyone to munch on when they are not in the pool.
==>  The instructors will put out a tip jar.  All the money for tips gets donated to a local Charity in Chapel Hill:
  http://www.burnsurvivor.com.  You are not obligated to donate, but if you have an extra few dollars it would be appreciated.
==>  If you think you would be more comfortable in a wetsuit, then please mention that in your RSVP.  They will provide wetsuits if requested.
==>  You are more than welcome to bring anyone else you would like, as long as they are over the age 18.

Please RSVP by August 15 to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

We need to have a fairly accurate headcount so we can pull together an adequate amount of equipment.  If you have extra masks, fins or snorkels that you would be willing to share, please let Marcia Hoffheimer know.  If you have any questions please feel free to email Marcia at the email above or give her a call at 919.676.6761.

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