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                 PASTE 2010 CALL FOR CONTRIBUTIONS

                9th ACM SIGPLAN-SIGSOFT Workshop on
        Program Analysis for Software Tools and Engineering
             June 5-6, 2010 (co-located with PLDI 2010)
                Fairmont Royal York, Toronto, Canada 


PASTE 2010 is the ninth workshop in a series that brings together the
program analysis, software tools, and software engineering communities
to focus on applications of program analysis techniques in software
tools. PASTE 2010 will provide a forum for the presentation of
exciting research, empirical results, and new directions in areas
including (but not limited to):

* program analysis for program understanding, debugging, testing, and
  reverse engineering
* integration of program analysis into programming environments
* user interfaces for software tools and software visualization
* applications of program slicing, model checking, and other program
  analysis techniques
* analysis of program execution or program evolution
* integration of, or tradeoffs between, different analysis techniques
* issues in scaling analyses and user interfaces to deal with large

PASTE will be a true workshop, with research presentations, organized
discussions, opportunities for all attendees to make short
presentations, and ample time for debate.


Regular papers: research papers that describe ongoing research or new
results. The page limit for this category is 8 pages. The entire paper
(including bibliography, appendices, related work discussion, etc.)
must fit within the 8-page limit.

Short papers: papers that discuss controversial issues in the field,
or describe interesting or thought-provoking ideas that are not yet
fully developed. The page limit for this category is 4 pages.

The program committee will select papers based on technical quality,
relevance to the PASTE community, and ability to inspire new research
and productive discussions at the workshop. Detailed submission
guidelines are provided at http://cseweb.ucsd.edu/paste2010/cfp.html


Paper submission: February 8, 2010
Author notification: March 18, 2010
Camera-ready version: April 6, 2010
Workshop: June 5-6, 2010


Brian Demsky, University of California, Irvine
Michael Hicks, University of Maryland, College Park
Miryung Kim, The University of Texas at Austin
Sorin Lerner (co-chair), University of California, San Diego
Lori Pollock, University of Delaware
G. Ramalingam, Microsoft Research India
Atanas Rountev (co-chair), Ohio State University
Andrey Rybalchenko, Max Planck Institute for Software Systems
Manu Sridharan, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
Westley Weimer, University of Virginia

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