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Please consider submitting to this workshop. We had a very stimulating workshop last year at OOPSLA.



 2010 Workshop on Curricula for Concurrency and Parallelism

   SPLASH 2010

     Sunday, October 17, 2010

The concurrency era has exploded on us. Multicore systems are now everywhere -- in our laptops, desktops, graphic cards, video game consoles. Symmetric multi-processors and clusters dominate the server and high performance computing market and are the foundation for cloud computing.

There is an urgent need to ensure that newly trained Computer Science graduates are well versed in the principles and practice of concurrent and parallel programming. Following a previous successful workshop on Multicore Programming Education at ASPLOS 2009, and at OOPSLA 2009, this workshop will address several fundamental questions:

   * What are the ``fundamental ideas'' of concurrency and parallelism
     that every Computer Science graduate should know?
   * Should concurrency and parallelism be taught ``top-down'' (via
     high-level abstractions such as operations on collections) or
     bottom up (with low-level tools such as threads and locks)?
   * Should sequential programming be taught as a ``special case'' of
     concurrent and parallel programming?
   * Should concurrency and parallelism issues be addressed in
     introductory computer science courses?
   * Should concurrency and parallelism topics be ``sprinkled'' in
     existing courses (e.g. in architecture, systems, programming
     languages, algorithms) -- if so which topics in those courses
     should be taken out to make room? Should these topics be taught in
     their own separate stream?

This workshop aims to bring together practitioners and thinkers to address this topic. It will be organized around the presentation of position papers selected by the PC, and a panel discussion.

Potential participants are invited to submit 2-page position papers addressing these topics, for consideration by the Program Committee. The paper should address the authors' experience and thoughts on this topic, and raise questions that they would like to see discussed at the workshop. In the case of educators we are also interested in understanding how your academic department is organizing as a whole to address these pedagogical issues.

Potential participants are invited to submit 2-page position papers addressing these topics for consideration by the program committee. Please submit by e-mail to vijay at saraswat.org.

     Program Committee

   * Kim Bruce, Pomona College (co-chair)
   * Vijay Saraswat, IBM (co-chair)
   * Guy Blelloch, CMU
   * Daniel Ernst, University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire
   * Tim Mattson, Intel
   * Guy Steele, Oracle
   * /other members to be announced/

     Important Dates:

   * Submission deadline for position papers: September 1, 2010
   * Notification of decision: September 13, 2010
   * Workshop Date: Sunday, October 17

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