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Call for Papers
Special Issue of Studia Logica
on Logic and Games

Guest editor: Thomas Ågotnes (University of Bergen)

Formal logic and game theory can meet in many ways. While the use of
games-for-logic, e.g., to define semantics of quantifiers or to
compare logical models, goes back a long time, logic-for-games is a
more recent and currently very active research direction which has
been precipitated by the introduction of the notion of (multi-)agency
in logic. If agents are assumed to be self-interested and to act
rationally, then reasoning about action in a multi-agent setting
requires reasoning about game theoretic concepts. Furthermore, logics
capturing, e.g., the principles of action, belief, knowledge, time,
preference and so on, can help explaining the foundations of game
theoretic solutions, algorithms, etc.

The goal of the special issue of Studia Logica on Logic and Games is
to illustrate current trends and present recent advances in this
field. We invite submissions on all topics in the intersection between
formal logic and game theory, including the following topics (not an
exhaustive list):

o Logical formalisations of game properties
o Logics for reasoning about strategic interaction
o The use of logic to characterise or explain concepts, solutions,
algorithms, etc., relevant for games
o Logical-epistemic foundations of solution concepts
o Reasoning about preferences
o Logical aspects of social choice
o Judgment aggregation
o Game semantics
Model comparison games (e.g., for comparing expressiveness, succinctness)

The special issue will contain contributions from the following
invited authors, in addition to selected submitted contributions:

o Johan van Benthem, University of Amsterdam/Stanford University
o Rohit Parikh, City University of New York
o Michael Wooldridge, University of Liverpool

Submission details: submitted papers should be between 15 and 20 pages
long (including bibliography), and should be formatted according to
the Studia Logica LaTex style. Only electronic submissions will be
accepted. The authors should send an email with subject "Studia Logica
Submission" to the guest editor (Thomas Agotnes,
thomas.agot...@infomedia.uib.no), with the file of the paper as an
attachment, and the following information in the body of the email in
plain text: paper title, author names, surface mail, email address of
the contact author and a short abstract.

Submission deadline: 15 August 2011

All papers will be refereed according to the standards of the journal.

For more details, see

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