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Dear Colleagues

We plan to launch the inaugural issue of Computability in June 2012,
as part of the celebrations of the Alan Turing Centenary!

See the announcement of our new journal below!

The online submission system should be fully functional by now and we
have already received a number of promising submissions that are
currently in the reviewing process.

However, there is still the opportunity to contribute to the
inaugural issue and papers which are submitted by

    1 October 2011

have a chance to be considered for the first issue! We are looking
forward to all submissions of high quality!

Further instructions regarding the electronic submission process
are available on our web page:



Vasco Brattka


The Journal of the Association CiE

Now Accepting Submissions!

First volume to be published in 2012
as part of the celebrations of the Alan Turing Year


Aims and Scope

Computability is the journal of the Association Computability in Europe
and it is published by IOS Press in Amsterdam.

The journal Computability is a peer reviewed international journal that
is devoted to publishing original research of highest quality, which is
centered around the topic of computability.

The subject is understood from a multidisciplinary perspective,
recapturing the spirit of Alan Turing (1912-1954) by linking
theoretical and real-world concerns from computer science, mathematics,
biology, physics, computational neuroscience, history and the
philosophy of computing.


Vasco Brattka (Cape Town, South Africa)

Managing Editors

Paola Bonizzoni (Milan, Italy)
S. Barry Cooper (Leeds, UK)
Benedikt Löwe (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
Elvira Mayordomo (Zaragoza, Spain)

Editorial Board

Samson Abramsky (Oxford, UK)
Manindra Agrawal (Kanpur, India)
Eric Allender (Piscataway, USA)
Jeremy Avigad (Pittsburgh, USA)
Arnold Beckmann (Swansea, UK)
Olivier Bournez (Palaiseau, France)
Alessandra Carbone (Paris, France)
Karine Chemla (Paris, France)
Bruno Codenotti (Pisa, Italy)
Stephen A. Cook (Toronto, Canada)
Anuj Dawar (Cambridge, UK)
Rodney G. Downey (Wellington, New Zealand)
Natasha Jonoska (Tampa, USA)
Ulrich Kohlenbach (Darmstadt, Germany)
Russell Miller (New York, USA)
Andrei Morozov (Novosibirsk, Russia)
Prakash Panangaden (Montreal, Canada)
Frank Stephan (Singapore)
Vlatko Vedral (Oxford, UK)
Rineke Verbrugge (Groningen, The Netherlands)
Ning Zhong (Cincinnati, USA)

Submission Guidelines

The journal Computability invites submission of full papers of highest
quality on all research topics related to computability.

Computability accepts only submissions of original research papers that
have not been published previously and that are not currently submitted
elsewhere. Full versions of papers that have already been published in
conference proceedings are eligible only if the conference version is
clearly cited and the full version enhances the conference version

Authors are requested to submit PDF manuscripts electronically via the
online submission system. Authors can indicate non-binding wishes
regarding Editorial Board Members who should handle their submission.
Final versions of accepted papers have to be prepared using the journal
style file and they need to be submitted together with all source files.

Authors submitting a manuscript do so on the understanding that they
have read and agreed to the terms of the IOS Press Author Copyright
Agreement and that all persons listed as authors have given their
approval for the submission of the paper.


Members of the Association CiE will have free access to the journal

Association CiE:            http://www.computability.org.uk/
CiE Membership Application: http://www.cs.swan.ac.uk/acie/
Journal:                    http://www.computability.de/journal/

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