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                 CALL FOR PAPERS

                    XLDI 2012

         First international workshop on
  Cross-Model Language Design and Implementation


  Affiliated with ICFP 2012, Copenhagen, Denmark
             Sponsored by ACM SIGPLAN

        September 9, 2012 (Sunday before ICFP)

There has recently been a burst of systems research
advocating high-performance commodity "big data" or
"massively parallel" computing models, often using simpler
high-level languages or interfaces as front-ends. This work
is often described as part of a shift towards a new "cloud
computing" paradigm, but these buzzwords mask the major
problems these techniques face: both big data and massively
parallel systems currently employ systems-based methods and
testing regimes that cannot offer guarantees of safety,
security, correctness and evolvability. Language-based
techniques, particularly formalization, verification,
abstraction, and representation independence, offer the
promise to reconcile the performance benefits of new
execution models with the advantages of modern programming

Cross-model programming is not a new problem: for example,
smooth integration of relational database programming models
into general-purpose programming languages has been a
long-standing challenge, with some approaches now in
mainstream use (such as Microsoft's LINQ). But in the last
few years there has been a dramatic increase in the number
of domain-specific languages or libraries for interfacing
with different computing models (data-parallelism, sensor
networks, MapReduce-style fault-tolerant parallelism,
distributed programming, Bayesian inference engines,
declarative networking, or multi-tier Web programming), as
well as techniques for language-integrated querying or
processing data over other data models. Cross-model programs
that execute in multiple (possibly heterogeneous)
environments have much more challenging security, debugging,
validation, and optimization problems.

- Language designs for simplifying cross-model programming
 with database queries, data parallelism, networking,
 distributed programming, Web programming, or security
- Formalizations or comparisons of existing
 languages, libraries or extensions for integrating
 multiple execution models
- Monads, comprehensions,
 arrows, applicative functors, formlets, and other
 abstractions for combining or embedding models
- Compilation and implementation techniques for cross-model
- Type systems (polymorphism, dependent types,
 GADTs, modal types, refinement types) to support safe
 cross-model programming
- Domain-specific embedded
 languages or libraries, syntax extensions,
 meta-programming facilities, or staged computation.
- Language support for programming with XML, RDF, JSON, or
 other data interchange formats, or for programming Web
 services or other distributed programming formalisms.
- Techniques for securing, debugging, performance profiling,
 optimization, or provenance tracking in cross-model


- Fritz Henglein (DIKU, University of Copenhagen)
- Christopher Re (University of Wisconsin)


Submission should consist of short papers of at most 3 pages
in ACM SIGPLAN conference format (sigplanconf.cls).
Submissions will be accepted electronically. The submission
site will be advertised around one month before the
submission deadline. Simultaneous submission to another
workshop, conference or journal is not allowed. An author of
each accepted paper is expected to present the paper at the
workshop. There will be no formal proceedings, but
submissions will be made available from the workshop web
page. Authors will retain the copyright.


Submission:       May 15
Notification:     July 1
Final papers due: August 1
Workshop:         September 9
ICFP 2012:        September 10-12


Program committee:

James Cheney, University of Edinburgh (co-chair)
Kathleen Fisher, Tufts University
Matthew Fluet, Rochester Institute of Technology
Nate Foster, Cornell University
Torsten Grust, University of Tuebingen (co-chair)
Anastasios Kementsietsidis, IBM Research
Shriram Krishnamurthi, Brown University
Peter Thiemann, University of Freiburg
Atsushi Ohori, Tohoku University
Jan van den Bussche, University of Hasselt

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