[ The Types Forum (announcements only),
     http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-announce ]

Although the word "types" does not appear explicitly in the announcement of the 
school, its scope should be well within the topics of interest of the list.


Summer School on Verification Technology, Systems and Applications

September 2-6, 2013, Nancy, France

The summer school on verification technology, systems & applications focuses on 
fundamental aspects of verification techniques, their implementation, and their 
use for concrete applications. It is organized by the Universities of Liège and 
of Luxembourg, the Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik in Saarbrücken, and the 
Inria Research Center in Nancy, and will take place at the Inria Center in 
Nancy, France from September 2-6, 2013.

The following speakers have agreed to lecture at the school:

- Xavier Leroy: Mechanized semantics with applications to program proof and 
compiler verification
- Konstantin Korovin: Automated reasoning for first-order logic: theory, 
practice and challenges
- Torsten Schaub: Answer Set Solving in Practice
- Swen Jacobs: Reactive Synthesis
- Kim Larsen: TBA

Participation to the school is free to anybody holding at least a bachelor 
degree or equivalent; it includes the lectures, daily coffee and lunch breaks, 
and a school dinner. Attendance is limited to 40 participants. Please apply 
electronically by sending an email to lamotte (at) mpi-inf.mpg.de including

- a one-page CV,
- an application letter explaining your interest in the school and your 
experience in the area, and
- a copy of your bachelor (or equivalent or higher) certificate.

The deadline for application is July 20, 2013. Notification of acceptance will 
be given by July 27, 2013.

Full details can be found on the school Web page at 


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