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The deadline for submissions to the special issue of MSCS in celebration of
the 60th birthday of Professor Dale Miller has been extended by a month.
Papers are now due by June 30. The complete timetable:

Paper submission deadline:      June 30, 2017
Review deadline:                      Sept 1, 2017
Revision deadline:                    Sept 22, 2017
Acceptance decision deadline:  Oct 13, 2017

We expect to be following this timetable strictly now, to ensure timely

The original call-for-papers appears below.



Call for Papers
Special Issue of Mathematical Structures in Computer Science
in Celebration of the Sixtieth Birthday of Dale Miller

Papers are invited to a special issue of Mathematical Structures in
Computer Science, a journal published by Cambridge University Press. This
special issue is being collated in celebration of the sixtieth birthday of
Professor Dale Miller. To be appropriate for this collection, papers must
be broadly related to one or more of the areas that have been spanned by
the work of Professor Miller to-date. These areas include structural proof
theory, proof search and computation, foundations of logic programming,
higher-order unification, reasoning about relational specifications and
certification of proofs. This list is meant to be illustrative and is not
exhaustive; if you are interested in submitting a paper and would like to
ascertain its relevance to the theme of the special issue, please feel free
to contact the editors of the issue.

Papers that are submitted for consideration of publication must be prepared
in LaTeX and should use the MSCS style file that can be downloaded from
Please also follow the layout and other manuscript format related
instructions with the exception of double spacing that you will find  at
Manuscripts should also be limited to about 25 pages. While this is not a
hard constraint, the reason why a paper exceeds this limit must be apparent
to the editors from an inspection of its content, else it may be declined
without review.

To ensure timeliness of publication, strict deadlines and an expedited
reviewing process will be followed in the preparation of this special
issue. To be considered for publication, manuscripts must be submitted by
May 31, 2017. The first round of reviews will be completed by July 31,
2017. Revised versions of manuscripts that are deemed to be of acceptable
quality will be due by August 21, 2017 and final acceptance decisions will
be made by September 11, 2017.

To submit a manuscript to the special issue, please use the ScholarOne site
for MSCS at
Once you are at this site, you will need to create an account if you do not
have one already. Once you are logged in, select the "Author" tab and
follow the instructions. At the end of the page, under the "Special Issue"
heading, select "Miller Festschrift" prior to submission. Please note that
at this stage we will need only a PDF file prepared as indicated above. The
LaTeX source will be required after the manuscript has been accepted.

David Baelde           (david.bae...@lsv.ens-cachan.fr)
Amy Felty               (afe...@eecs.uottawa.ca)
Gopalan Nadathur    (gopa...@cs.umn.edu)
Alexis Saurin           (alexis.sau...@irif.fr)

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