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The 26th ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and
Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE) is pleased to 
announce the details of the annual Test of Time Award as follows:

## Award Papers

"Latent Social Structure in Open Source Projects" by Christian Bird,
David S. Pattison, Raissa M. D’Souza, Vladimir Filkov, and Premkumar T.

"Differential Symbolic Execution" by Suzette Person, Matthew B. Dwyer,
Sebastian G. Elbaum, and Corina S. Pasareanu

## Selection Committee

Sven Apel, Alessandro Garcia, Christian Kästner, David Lo, Alessandra
Russo, Paolo Tonella, Andreas Zeller, Andrea Zisman

Congratulations to the winners and thank you to the selection
committee. More details, including previous awards, may be found at:

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