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First VMCAI Winter School
Lisboa, Portugal, January 9-12, 2019

The registration deadline for the winter school is December 22, 2018.
The registration is *free* but it is mandatory. Please take into
consideration that the number of attendees is limited. Register
as soon you are sure to be able to attend the Winter School.

More details for registration as well as location and accommodation
are available at the school website (http://vmcaischool19.tecnico.ulisboa.pt/).


VMCAI Winter School is a winter school on formal methods associated
with VMCAI 2019 that will take place in Lisbon, Portugal on
January 9-12, 2019. In the vein of VMCAI, the school is meant to
facilitate interaction, cross-fertilization, and advancement of
hybrid methods that combine Verification, Model Checking, Abstract 
Interpretation, etc.

The VMCAI Winter School program will feature two tutorial lectures
per day, presented by distinguished speakers and experts in these fields. 

List of tutorial lectures:

* An Introduction to Learning from Programs, by Marc Brockschmidt (Microsoft 
Research, Cambridge, UK)

* Models and Techniques for Analyzing Security Protocols, by Veronique Cortier 
(Loria, Nancy, France)

* Neural Network Verification, by M. Pawan Kumar (University of Oxford, UK)

* Computing with SAT Oracles: From CDCL SAT Solving to Ubiquitous Industry 
Adoption, by João Marques-Silva 
(University of Lisbon, Portugal)

* Abstract Interpretation, by Patrick Cousot  (New York University, USA). This 
tutorial will be complemented 
by an invited talk by Sylvie Putot (Ecole Polytechnique, France) on "Zonotopic 
abstract domains for numerical 
program analysis".

* Developing distributed protocols formally with Ivy, by Ken McMillan 
(Microsoft Research, Redmond, USA)

The First VMCAI Winter School will take place at the Instituto
Superior Técnico (Universidade de Lisboa) campus near the city
center.  The school location and schedule has been chosen to
integrate nicely with POPL (https://popl19.sigplan.org/) and
VMCAI (https://popl19.sigplan.org/track/VMCAI-2019) that will
take place in Cascais/Lisboa from January 13-19, 2019.

A more detailed program is available at the school website

Constantin Enea (IRIF, University Paris Diderot)
Vasco Manquinho (INESC-ID, IST - Universidade de Lisboa)
Ruzica Piskac   (Yale University)

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