[ The Types Forum (announcements only),
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*The Faculty of Science at the University of Copenhagen offers a
considerable number of attractive Ph.D. fellowships with application
deadline February 13, 2020. The Programming Languages and Theory of
Computation section at the Department of Computer Science welcomes
applications in all aspects of programming languages and systems,
computability theory and logic.*
The Faculty of Science <https://www.science.ku.dk/english/> at the University
of Copenhage <https://www.ku.dk/english/>n offers a considerable
number of attractive
Ph.D. fellowships <https://talent.ku.dk/> with application deadline
February 13, 2020.
The Programming Languages and Theory of Computation (PLTC)
<https://di.ku.dk/english/research/pltc/> section at the Department of
Computer Science (DIKU) <https://di.ku.dk/english/> welcomes proposals and
applications in all aspects of programming languages and systems,
computability and complexity theory.  We specifically encourage
applications in functional programming language theory, design and
implementation technology, type theory, type systems, type-based analysis,
inference and synthesis.
We research semantic, logical and algorithmic foundations of computing and
programming, in particular functional programming; design and implement
novel programming and domain-specific languages for emerging and future
computer architectures (GPUs, reversible/quantum computing); research and
develop secure, private, scalable and verifiable decentralized systems
(including blockchain and distributed ledger systems) and smart contract
technology; apply to and derive impetus from a number of computer science
(e.g. machine learning, probabilistic programming, computational finance,
database systems, and logic) and application domains in collaboration with
academic and industrial collaborators.
Requirements are solid, documented programming language theory foundations,
a good command of English, and willingness to live in the world's most
livable city.
We encourage you to send your academic CV documenting your qualifications
for programming languages and systems research to a faculty member of the
PLTC section <https://di.ku.dk/english/research/pltc/researchers/>
prior to applying
for a Ph.D. stipend <https://employment.ku.dk/phd/?show=149792> to align
your and our interests.

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