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Dear all,

we would like to announce our recent JFP paper

POPLMark reloaded: Mechanizing proofs by logical relations
Andreas Abel, Guillame Allais, Aliya Hameer, Alberto Momigliano, Brigitte 
Pientka, Steven Schaefer, Kathrin Stark, Journal of Functional Programming, 29, 
E19. doi:10.1017/S0956796819000170

on how to mechanize proofs using logical relations on well-typed terms. It is 
an expanded version of B. Pientka's invited talk at Certified Proofs and 
Programs (CPP'19): POPLMark reloaded: Mechanizing proofs by logical relations.

Specifically, this paper provides a modern tutorial to proving strong 
normalization of a simply-typed lambda-calculus with a proof by  Kripke-style 
logical relations. Using this case study, we share some of the lessons learned 
tackling this problem in different dependently-typed proof environments. In 
particular, we consider the   mechanization in Beluga, a proof environment that 
supports higher-order abstract syntax encodings and contrast it to the 
development and strategies used in general purpose proof assistants such as Coq 
and Agda.

The goal of this paper is provide one benchmark to better understand, compare 
and push the state of the art of proof assistants and to engage the community 
in discussions on what support in proof environments is  needed to provide 
better support for modelling variable binding, contexts, renamings, 
substitutions, etc. 
We hope that other developers of proof assistants, graduate students, 
researchers, etc. feel inspired to mechanize this challenge problem, so we can 
better learn about the trade-offs between different systems/mechanization 

All solutions to the problem (including solutions in F* and Lean) can be found 



Andreas Abel,
Guillame Allais,
Aliya Hameer,
Alberto Momigliano,
Brigitte Pientka,
Steven Schäfer,
Kathrin Stark

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