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 Call for Satellite Events: Tutorials and Tool Tracks

 15th International Federated Conference on
 Distributed Computing Techniques

 DisCoTec 2020

 University of Malta, Valletta, Malta, 15-19 June 2020

https://www.discotec.org/2020/ <https://www.discotec.org/2020/>


*** About DisCoTec ***

DisCoTec is one of the major events sponsored by the International
Federation for Information Processing (IFIP). It gathers conferences,
workshops, and tutorials that cover a broad spectrum of distributed
computing subjects, ranging from theoretical foundations and formal
description techniques to systems research issues. Its 15th edition will
take place at University of Malta, Valletta, Malta, 15-19 June 2020.

*** Main Conferences ***

- COORDINATION (https://www.discotec.org/2020/coordination 
  22nd IFIP International Conference on Coordination Models and Languages
- DAIS (https://www.discotec.org/2020/dais <https://www.discotec.org/2020/dais>)
  20th IFIP International Conference on Distributed Applications and
Interoperable Systems
- FORTE (https://www.discotec.org/2020/forte 
  40th IFIP International Conference on Formal Techniques for
Distributed Objects, Components and Systems

*** Tutorials ***

The DisCoTec 2020 organizing committee invites proposals for tutorials
by experts on topics related to those of the three main conferences of
DisCoTec. Tutorials will be held in conjunction with the main events.
Prospective speakers should contact the workshop chairs providing the
following information:
- contact information of the speaker
- title of the tutorial
- abstract of the tutorial (max. 500 words)
- description of the tutorial (max. two A4 pages)
- duration of the tutorial and dates (15-19) in order of preference

Important Dates:

* April 10, 2020:               Deadline for tutorial proposals
* May 1, 2020:                  Notification of accepted tutorials

*** Tool track ***

The DisCoTec 2020 organizing committee invites proposals for tool
demonstrations on topics related to those of the three main conferences
of DisCoTec. The call is open to anyone, but authors of papers accepted
at the conferences of DisCoTec are strongly invited to present the tool
accompanying their publication. Demos will be held in conjunction with
the main events. Prospective speakers should contact the workshop chairs
providing the following information:
- contact information of the speaker
- title of the demo and of the tool
- brief description of the actual demonstration (max. three A4 pages)

Important Dates:

* April 24, 2020:               Deadline for demo proposals
* May 8, 2020:                  Notification of accepted demos

* DisCoTec 2020 workshop chairs *

Antonis Achilleos <antonis...@gmail.com <mailto:antonis...@gmail.com>> 
(Reykjavik Univerisity, Iceland)
Duncan Attard <duncan.attard...@um.edu.mt <mailto:duncan.attard...@um.edu.mt>> 
(University of Malta, Malta)
Ornela Dardha <ornela.dar...@glasgow.ac.uk 
<mailto:ornela.dar...@glasgow.ac.uk>> (University of Glasgow, UK)

*** Further information ***

For further information, please contact the workshop chairs.

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