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LSFA 2020
15th Workshop on Logical and Semantic Frameworks, with Applications
26-28 August 2020, Salvador, Brazil

Logical and semantic frameworks are formal languages used to represent
logics, languages and systems. These frameworks provide foundations
for the formal specification of systems and programming languages,
supporting tool development and reasoning.

Previous editions of LSFA took place in Natal (2019), Fortaleza
(2018), Brasília (2017), Porto (2016), Natal (2015), Brasília (2014),
São Paulo (2013), Rio de Janeiro (2012), Belo Horizonte (2011), Natal
(2010), Brasília (2009), Salvador (2008), Ouro Preto (2007), and Natal
(2006). See http://lsfa.cic.unb.br for more information. Previous
proceedings were published by EPTCS and ENTCS. Previous LSFA special
issues have been published in journals such as Journal of Algorithms,
The Logic Journal of the IGPL and Theoretical Computer Science (see


Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

* Specification languages and meta-languages
* Formal semantics of languages and logical systems
* Logical frameworks
* Semantic frameworks
* Type theory
* Proof theory
* Automated deduction
* Implementation of logical or semantic frameworks
* Applications of logical or semantic frameworks
* Computational and logical properties of semantic frameworks
* Logical aspects of computational complexity
* Lambda and combinatory calculi
* Process calculi


Contributions should be written in English and submitted in the form
of full papers with a maximum of 13 pages excluding references. Beyond
full regular papers, we encourage submissions such as system
descriptions, proof pearls, rough diamonds (preliminary results and
work in progress), original surveys, or overviews of research
projects, where the focus is more on elegance and dissemination than
on novelty. Papers belonging to this second category are expected to
be short, that is, of a maximum of 6 pages excluding references. For
both paper categories, additional technical material can be provided
in a clearly marked appendix which will be read by reviewers at their
discretion. Contributions must also be unpublished and not submitted
simultaneously for publication elsewhere.

The papers should be prepared in LaTeX using the generic ENTCS package
(http://www.entcs.org/prelim.html). The submission should be in the
form of a PDF file uploaded to Easychair:


At least one of the authors should register for the workshop. All
accepted papers will be available online during the workshop; full
papers will be published at ENTCS, and short papers will be collected
in an informal volume. For the publication of the proceedings there
will be a cost to authors of USD 50 at registration time.


* Abstract deadline: April 06 (extended)
* Submission deadline: April 13 (extended)
* Notification to Authors: May 22 (extended)
* Proceedings version due: Jun 21 (extended)
* LSFA 2020: August 26-28


The Program Committee and the local organisation of LSFA have been
following closely the information regarding the spread and incidence
of the coronavirus in Brazil, as given by local authorities and the
World Health Organisation. Most of the states in Brazil are subjecting
to international guidelines and promoting measures of isolation and
testing. However, it is uncertain at the moment how long these
measures need to be in place.

We are ready to make the workshop a fully online meeting (if needed),
but we believe that it would be a shame to miss the interaction and
the informal discussions that are an integral part of workshops such
as LSFA. In light of this, we have decided to wait until making a
final call. If the situation improves and we go back to a normal life
again, we will keep LSFA as a physical meeting in Salvador. Otherwise,
we will move to an online meeting happening on the same dates.  LSFA
will not be postponed, unless under exceptional circumstances.

A final decision will be made before registrations start at the end of May.

If you have questions or want to discuss anything related to those
matters, please feel free to contact the PC Chairs.


* Mauricio Ayala-Rincón, University of Brasília (joint speaker with WBL 20)
* Eduardo Bonelli, Stevens Institute of Technology
* Delia Kesner, IRIF, Université Paris Diderot


* Cláudia Nalon, University of Brasília
* Giselle Reis, CMU-Qatar


* Beniamino Accattoli, INRIA (Saclay)
* Sandra Alves, University of Porto
* Mario Benevides, UFF
* Ana Bove, Chalmers
* Manuela Busaniche, CONICET-UNL Santa Fe
* Marco Cerami, UFBA
* Amy Felty, University of Ottawa
* Maribel Fernandez, King's College London
* Francicleber Ferreira, UFC
* Renata de Freitas, UFF
* Edward Hermann Haeusler, PUC-Rio
* Lourdes del Carmen González Huesca, UNAM
* Oleg Kiselyov, Tohoku University
* João Marcos, UFRN
* Alberto Momigliano, University of Milano
* Daniele Nantes, UnB
* Carlos Olarte, UFRN
* Revantha Ramanayake,TU Wien
* Camilo Rocha, PUJ
* Nora Szasz, Universidad ORT
* Ivan Varzinczak, Université d'Artois
* Daniel Ventura, UFG
* Renata Wassermann, USP

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