[ The Types Forum (announcements only), http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-announce ]
We are pleased to announce the HoTTEST Conference of 2020 taking place online June 15-19, 2020. There will be two talks per day, at 10:30 and 12 EDT (UTC-4). Details, including how to connect, can be found at https://www.uwo.ca/math/faculty/kapulkin/seminars/hottest_conference_2020.html Invited speakers Timothy Campion (University of Notre Dame) Eric Finster (INRIA Nantes) Valery Isaev (Saint Petersburg Academic University) Peter LeFanu Lumsdaine (Stockholm University) David Jaz Myers (Johns Hopkins University) Paige North (Ohio State University) Anja Petković (University of Ljubljana) Mitchell Riley (Wesleyan University) Mike Shulman (University of San Diego) Taichi Uemura (University of Amsterdam) There will be no banquet, but if you insist on paying $80 for a meal worth no more than $15, consider tipping generously for takeout from your local restaurant. On behalf of the organizers, Dan Christensen Chris Kapulkin