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Workshop on Type-Driven Development 2021 (TyDe) co-located with ICFP 2021

May 19: Paper submission deadline
May 26: Extended abstract submission deadline

# Goals of the Workshop

The Workshop on Type-Driven Development (TyDe) aims to show how static type
information may be used effectively in the development of computer
programs. Co-located with ICFP, this workshop brings together leading
researchers and practitioners who are using or exploring types as a means
of program development.

We welcome all contributions, both theoretical and practical, on a range of
topics including:

* dependently typed programming;
* generic programming;
* design and implementation of programming languages, exploiting types in
novel ways;
* exploiting typed data, data dependent data, or type providers;
* static and dynamic analyses of typed programs;
* tools, IDEs, or testing tools exploiting type information;
* pearls, being elegant, instructive examples of types used in the
derivation, calculation, or * construction of programs.

# Submission Details

Submissions should fall into one of two categories:

* regular research papers (12 pages);
* extended abstracts (3 pages).
The bibliography will not be counted against the page limits for either

Regular research papers are expected to present novel and interesting
research results, and will be included in the formal proceedings. Extended
abstracts should report work in progress that the authors would like to
present at the workshop. Extended abstracts will be distributed to workshop
attendees but will not be published in the formal proceedings.

More details can be found on https://icfp21.sigplan.org/home/TyDe-2021

# Important Dates

* May 19: Paper submission deadline
* May 26: Extended abstract submission deadline
* June 16: Author notification
* July 1: Camera-ready deadline
* August 22: Workshop (tentative)

# Program Committee

* Hsiang-Shang ‘Josh’ Ko, Institute of Information Science, Academia
Sinica, Taiwan (co-chair)
* Dominic Orchard, University of Kent, UK (co-chair)

Programme Committee:
* Kenichi Asai, Ochanomizu University, Japan
* Jean-Philippe Bernardy, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
* Liang-Ting Chen, Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
* Ornela Dardha, University of Glasgow, UK
* Martin Escardo, University of Birmingham, UK
* Patricia Johann, Appalachian State University, USA
* Neel Krishnaswami, University of Cambridge, UK
* Ana Milanova, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA
* Keiko Nakata, SAP Innovation Center Network, Potsdam, Germany
* KC Sivaramakrishnan, IIT Madras, India
* Stephanie Weirich, University of Pennsylvania, USA
* James Wood, University of Strathclyde, UK
* Beta Ziliani, FAMAF, UNC and CONICET, Argentina

# Proceedings and Copyright

We will have formal proceedings, published by the ACM. Accepted papers will
be included in the ACM Digital Library. Authors must grant ACM publication
rights upon acceptance, but may retain copyright if they wish. Authors are
encouraged to publish auxiliary material with their paper (source code,
test data, and so forth). The proceedings will be freely available for
download from the ACM Digital Library from one week before the start of the
conference until two weeks after the conference.

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