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  VORTEX 2022, Workshop co-located with ECOOP 2022, Berlin
 International Workshop on Verification and mOnitoring at Runtime EXecution


Important Dates

* Submission deadline: **Apr 24, 2022** (AoE, extended deadline)
* Author notification: May 2, 2022
* Early registration: May 9, 2022
* ECOOP conference: June 6-10, 2022

VORTEX brings together researchers working on all aspects of Runtime Monitoring
(RM) with emphasis on integration with formal verification and testing.

RM is concerned with the runtime analysis of software and hardware system
executions in order to infer properties relating to system behaviour. Example
applications include telemetry, log aggregation, threshold alerting, performance
monitoring and adherence to correctness properties (more commonly referred to as
Runtime Verification).

RM has gained popularity as a solution to ensure software reliability, bridging
the gap between formal verification and testing: on the one hand, the notion of
event trace abstracts over system executions, thus favoring system agnosticism
to better support reuse and interoperability; on the other hand, monitoring a
system offers more opportunities for addressing error recovery, self-adaptation,
and issues that go beyond software reliability.

The goal of VORTEX is to bring together researchers contributing on all aspects
of RM covering and possibly integrating both theoretical and practical aspects,
with particular focus on hybrid approaches inspired by formal methods, program
analysis, testing.

Call for Papers

Submissions are expected to be in English and to belong to one of the following
two categories:

*    regular paper, page limit 8 in acmart style: unpublished self-contained 
*    extended abstract, page limit 4 in acmart style: original contribution, 
not yet fully developed

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following ones:

*    monitor construction and synthesis techniques
*    program adaptation
*    monitoring oriented programming
*    runtime enforcement, fault detection, recovery and repair
*    combination of static and dynamic analyses
*    specification formalisms for RM
*    specification mining
*    monitoring concurrent/distributed systems
*    RM for safety and security
*    RM for the Internet of Things
*    industrial applications
*    integrating RM, formal verification, and testing
*    tool development
*    instrumentation techniques for RM
*    surveys on different RM tools, formal frameworks or methodologies
*    presentations of RM tools

Papers must be submitted electronically via EasyChair; the submission deadline
is April 18 AoE. Authors should use the official ACM Master article template,
which can be obtained from the ACM Proceedings Template pages.

Latex users should use the sigconf option, as well as review to produce line
numbers for easy reference by the reviewers, as indicated by the following



Depending on the quality and number of submissions, the workshop proceedings will be published in the ACM DL, and authors of selected papers will be invited to contribute with extended versions to be included in a special issue of the Journal of Object Technology(JOT)

Workshop Organizers

* Davide Ancona, Universita` di Genova, Italy

* Adrian Francalanza, University of Malta, Malta

Program Committee

* Wolfgang Ahrendt, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden           

* Duncan Paul Attard, Reykjavik University and University of Malta, Malta       

* Giorgio Audrito, University of Torino, Italy  

* Daniela Briola, University of Milano Bicocca, Italy   

* Rafael C. Cardoso, University of Aberdeen, UK 

* Marie Farrell, Maynooth University, Ireland

* Angelo Ferrando, University of Genova, Italy

* Simon Fowler, University of Glasgow, Italy    

* Hannah Gommerstadt, Vassar College, USA

* Massimo Merro, University of Verona, Italy    

* Laura Nenzi, University of Trieste, Italy

* Srinivas Pinisetty, Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar, India 

* Julien Signoles, CEA LIST, France     

* Cesar Sanchez, IMDEA Software Institute, Spain

* Mark Vella, University of Malta, Malta

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