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                        Final Call for Papers

                           TERMGRAPH 2022
Twelfth International Workshop on Computing with Terms and Graphs https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://termgraph.org.uk/2022__;!!IBzWLUs!XGQ8LeDTcmJatDwL5Cxh5Y-zQmyNX9Vu93aNb4RD5wIVM8pKvEiG4i0A6zQaYVv9PrqvG12L313fxTyyKkUf6NWUHFwVJ41uzTfppjaMMw$
                      Technion, Haifa, Israel
                     Monday, 1st August 2022 *)

                A Workshop that is part of FLoC 2022,
                (associated with the conference FSCD)
  *) preliminary, due to room capacity decisions the FLoC organizers can
     reschedule to Sunday, 31st July 2022 (decision on 15 June 2022)
Graphs and graph transformation systems are used in many areas within
Computer Science: to represent data structures and algorithms, to define
computation models, as a general modeling tool to study complex systems,

Topics of interest for TERMGRAPH encompass all aspects of term-/graph
rewriting (term-graph and graph rewriting), and applications of graph
transformations in programming, automated reasoning and symbolic
computation, including:

* Theory of first-order and higher-order term graph rewriting
* Graph rewriting in lambda calculus (sharing graphs, optimality)
* Term-/graph based models of computation
* Graph grammars
* Term-/graph based languages and modelling frameworks
* Term-/graph rewriting tools:
  -- system descriptions and case studies
* Applications of term-/graph rewriting in, and term-/graph rewriting
  aspects of:
  -- semantics and implementation of programming languages
  -- compiler construction
  -- interaction nets and proof nets
  -- software engineering
  -- automated reasoning and symbolic computation
  -- functional and logic programming
  -- pattern recognition
  -- bioinformatics

The aim of this workshop is to bring together researchers working in
these different domains, to foster their interaction, to provide a
forum for presenting new ideas and work in progress, and to enable
newcomers to learn about current activities in this area.

Poster announcement


Invited Speakers:

Joerg Endrullis (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands)

Delia Kesner (Universite Paris Cite, Institut Universitaire de France,
  and IRIF/CNRS):
  "A Computational Interpretation of Girard’s Intuitionistic Proof-Nets"

Submissions and Publication:

We invite submissions of extended abstracts of at most 8 pages typeset
in the EPTCS (Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science)
LaTeX style. This may include, concerning any of the topics above:

  -- original work,
  -- tutorials,
  -- work in progress,
  -- system descriptions of term-/graph rewriting tools.

Extended abstracts have to be submitted no later than 10 May 2022 (AoE)
electronically (pdf) via the EasyChair submission site:

Papers will be judged on relevance, originality, correctness, and
usefulness. Preliminary proceedings will be available for the workshop.

After the workshop, authors will be invited to submit a longer version
of their work (a 15-pages paper) for the publication of the Workshop
Post-Proceedings in EPTCS. These submissions will undergo a second
round of refereeing with:

  submission deadline in the mid of October 2022,
  notification in December 2022,
  publication in February or March 2023.
Important Dates:

Submission deadline:         10  May 2022
Notification:                 7 June 2022
Program publication:         15 June 2022
PreProceedings version due:  21 June 2022
Workshop:                     1 August 2022 (see proviso (*) above)

Programme Committee:

Sandra Alves, Universidade do Porto, Portugal
Martin Avanzini, INRIA Sophia Antipolis - Méditerranée, France
Patrick Bahr, IT University Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark
Thierry Boy de la Tour, CNRS, France
Clemens Grabmayer (chair), Gran Sasso Science Institute, Italy
Wolfram Kahl, McMaster University, Canada
Ian Mackie, LIX, France
Koko Muroya, Kyoto University, Japan
Femke van Raamsdonk, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Adrian Rutle, Western Norway University, Norway
Kazunori Ueda, Waseda University, Japan


Clemens Grabmayer clemens.grabma...@gssi.it

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