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* CONFEST 2023 * Sep 18-23 2023, Antwerpen, Belgium


-- 2nd Call for Workshop Proposals --

*Submission deadline* : Feb 02

CONFEST is an umbrella conference comprising four international meetings:

- CONCUR (34th International Conference on Concurrency Theory),

- QEST (20th International Conference on Quantitative Evaluation of

- FORMATS (21st International Conference on Formal Modeling and Analysis of
Timed Systems), and

- FMICS (28th International Conference on Formal Methods for Industrial
Critical Systems).

Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit proposals for ONE DAY

workshops on topics related to theory, formal modeling, verification,
performance evaluation and engineering of concurrent, timed, industrial,
and other systems.

Typically, CONFEST workshops feature a number of invited speakers and a
number of contributed presentations.

The workshops will take place one day before (18 September) and one day
after (23 September) the main conferences.


The purpose of the workshops is to provide participants with a friendly,
stimulating, and interactive atmosphere for

- presenting novel ideas,

- discussing their applications,

- encouraging cross-fertilization between industry and academia, and

- fostering opportunities for young and prospective researchers.


CONFEST’23 is planned as a physical, in-person event, with some support for
remote participation.

In a limited number of cases, there will be remote-participation support
for speakers and for other

participants who are unable to come. Please take this into account when
preparing a workshop

proposal and communicate to participants requiring such support that they
should contact the

organisers of CONFEST explaining their case.

We will provide the following to workshop organisers:

- Meeting rooms on demand

- Coffee breaks, catering for lunch, both are included

- CONFEST'23 website cannot be made accessible for edits by third parties

but workshop organisers can either host their own website and provide a
link to it

that we put on CONFEST website, or they send us their content and we put it
in the website.

- Registration will be centralized by CONFEST.

- Special rates for hotels, which can be found in the website

as well as further local information about Antwerp.


Workshop proposals should include:

-  The name and the preferred date of the proposed workshop.

-  The names and contact information (web page, email address) of the

-  A short scientific summary and justification of the proposed topic for
the CONFEST community (500 words max).

-  A discussion of the proposed format and agenda.

-  If applicable, a brief description of past versions of the workshop,
dates, organisers, submission and acceptance counts, and attendance.

-  Procedures for selecting papers and participants.

-  The publication plan (only invited speakers, no published proceedings,
pre-/post-proceedings published with EPTCS/ENTCS/...).

-  Potentially invited speakers.

-  Tentative schedule for paper submission and notification of acceptance.

The main responsibility for organizing the workshop goes to the workshop
organiser(s), including:

- workshop publicity (possibly including call for papers, submission and
review process)

- scheduling of workshop activities in collaboration with the CONFEST
workshop chair.

Proposals should be sent to Emmanuel Filiot (workshop chair):



  - Submission deadline February 2, 2023

  - Notification February 16, 2023

  - Program of the workshops ready: August 16, 2023

  - Workshops: September 18, 23, 2023

  - CONFEST conferences: September 18-23, 2023

The CONFEST 2023 workshop chair,

Emmanuel Filiot

Université libre de Bruxelles, Belgium

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