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|The department of computer science of Université Paris Cité has five openings for tenured positions in theoretical computer science, broadly construed, which could be of interest to the readers on this mailing-list: - 3 associate professor (MCF) positions and - 2 full professor (PR) positions, with a deadline for applications on March 6, 2023 at 16:00 CET. See the announcements in French at https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.irif.fr/postes/universite__;!!IBzWLUs!XiqnEUgY-aag3jy4YRwhiIwwCD-PFtOaJ2Voyfl4AQ0JpumWjWTtp0CHYQueMb1bHns0KtlVchqzFKcPnkBIFDpX$ and https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.informatique.univ-paris-diderot.fr/ufr/recrutements__;!!IBzWLUs!XiqnEUgY-aag3jy4YRwhiIwwCD-PFtOaJ2Voyfl4AQ0JpumWjWTtp0CHYQueMb1bHns0KtlVchqzFKcPng8m6Q82$ . # General description The positions are tenured (more precisely civil servant positions) with research, teaching, and administrative duties. Here is the official description of these types of positions in French academia: - associate professors: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.enseignementsup-recherche.gouv.fr/fr/maitres-de-conferences-46317__;!!IBzWLUs!XiqnEUgY-aag3jy4YRwhiIwwCD-PFtOaJ2Voyfl4AQ0JpumWjWTtp0CHYQueMb1bHns0KtlVchqzFKcPnmufEHBc$ - full professors: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.enseignementsup-recherche.gouv.fr/fr/professeur-des-universites-46367__;!!IBzWLUs!XiqnEUgY-aag3jy4YRwhiIwwCD-PFtOaJ2Voyfl4AQ0JpumWjWTtp0CHYQueMb1bHns0KtlVchqzFKcPntCUWH7w$ The research profile is quite wide for all these positions: pretty much all of theoretical computer science, in both its `track A' and `track B' flavours, is represented within IRIF. The teaching profile encompasses all of computer science (i.e., not just theory), with a wide choice of courses at both undergraduate and graduate levels. The teaching language in our computer science department is French—as in most French universities. Accordingly, the interviews for these positions will be carried in French. IRIF has taken up gender equality issues and published recommendations for hiring committees to help alleviate bias. More information can be found on the page of our commission for gender equality at https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.irif.fr/en/egalite-fh__;!!IBzWLUs!XiqnEUgY-aag3jy4YRwhiIwwCD-PFtOaJ2Voyfl4AQ0JpumWjWTtp0CHYQueMb1bHns0KtlVchqzFKcPnjynR8ON$ . # Contact information Contacting people locally is strongly encouraged and allows to provide assistance navigating the French academic system and tailoring applications for this type of positions. Regarding research: - presentation of IRIF: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.irif.fr/en/informations/presentation__;!!IBzWLUs!XiqnEUgY-aag3jy4YRwhiIwwCD-PFtOaJ2Voyfl4AQ0JpumWjWTtp0CHYQueMb1bHns0KtlVchqzFKcPnhL7CJwo$ - who to contact: the heads of poles and research teams relevant to your research area - IRIF heads: Giuseppe Castagna and Thomas Colcombet <direct...@irif.fr> Regarding teaching: - presentation of the computer science department: https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.informatique.univ-paris-diderot.fr/ufr/presentation_ufr__;!!IBzWLUs!XiqnEUgY-aag3jy4YRwhiIwwCD-PFtOaJ2Voyfl4AQ0JpumWjWTtp0CHYQueMb1bHns0KtlVchqzFKcPnrYgsks0$ - heads of the department: Carole Delporte, Hugues Fauconnier, and Ralf Treinen <direction-...@informatique.univ-paris-diderot.fr> |

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