[ The Types Forum (announcements only),
     http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-announce ]

Applications are invited for PhD student or postdoc positions at Ecole 
Polytechnique in Paris, France. The successful candidates will work under the 
supervision of Constantin Enea 
 ) on formal verification and analysis techniques to help the construction of 
reliable software systems. The particular research topic will be determined 
based on the common interests of the candidate and the supervisor, and can be 
either theoretical or practical. Possible areas include formal verification of 
concurrent data structures, distributed protocols, or neural networks. 

Candidates should have a strong background in computer science with an interest 
in formal methods, programming languages, and algorithms. Some minimal 
experience with software development is also required. 

Interested candidates should send their application (CV, references, motivation 
letter) via e-mail at ce...@lix.polytechnique.fr 

Best regards,
Constantin Enea

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