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Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Formal Methods for Business Process Modelling

available at 
Dept. of Computer Science, 
Western Norway University of Applied Sciences,
Bergen, Norway


Deadline: 25th February 2024
Salary: starting from ~NOK 576 000 per annum
Duration: 2 years, with the possibility of an extension for up to 1 year

Link to the detailed job posting: 


About the project

This postdoctoral research fellow position is part of the Norwegian Research 
Council Young Research Talents project CROFLOW (Enabling Highly Automated  
Cross-Organisational Workflow Planning, 
 >). The goal of the project is to develop an innovative model-driven 
methodology and framework that facilitates planning business process with 
highly automated analyses and tool support.

Cross-organisational workflows involve multiple concurrently running business 
processes, each of which consists of multiple workflows within an organisation, 
or across various organisations. While tasks in these individual workflows may 
run independently in parallel, there are very often dependencies between them, 
e.g., execution orders or shared resources, which makes planning such workflows 
particularly challenging and error prone. Such complications could eventually 
lead to substantial negative impacts on financially- and safety-critical 
workflows. The project aims to leverage various techniques in formal methods to 
model and analyse cross-organisational workflows in terms of concurrent 
programs, and to automate workflow revisioning upon changes in the dependencies.

About the position

For this specific position, we are interested in developing a framework 
allowing highly automated workflow modelling and planning based on the 
orchestration of static analyses and dynamic refactoring of the workflow 
models. The prospective postdoctoral researcher should be interested in formal 
modelling for concurrent programs, with the application on concurrent workflow 
models. Together with the other project members and external partners, the 
researcher will contribute to the project from the perspectives including 
automating the planning and dynamic refactoring of cross-organisational 

The postdoctoral researcher will have the possibility to collaborate with the 
external project partners of CROFLOW, including Haukeland University Hospital 
in Bergen, Uppsala University in Sweden and the University of Lübeck in Germany.

Contact: Associate Professor Violet Ka I Pun ( violet.ka.i....@hvl.no 
<mailto:violet.ka.i....@hvl.no> )

Violet Ka I Pun / 

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