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                          Call for Workshops

The ACM Conference on Systems, Programming, Languages, and Applications:
                  Software for Humanity (SPLASH'24)

              October 20-25, 2024, Pasadena, California, United States


### Important dates

Proposal submission:                            Fri 1 Mar 2024
Paper/Abstract submission for all workshops:    Sun 7 Jul 2024

Following its long-standing tradition, SPLASH will host a variety of workshops,
allowing their participants to meet and discuss research questions with peers,
to mature new and exciting ideas, and to build up communities and start new
collaborations. SPLASH workshops complement the main tracks of the conference
and provide meetings in a smaller and more specialized setting.

## Call for Workshops

We encourage proposals for workshops on any topic relevant to SPLASH. If there
is a topic that you feel passionate about, and want to connect with others who
have similar interests, submit a workshop proposal! We more than welcome new,
and unconventional ideas for workshop formats. The following suggestions are
a starting point:

- Conference-style workshops allow participants to present their work to other
domain experts. The smaller and more focused setting of a workshop
allows for Q&A
sessions and facilitates discussions. Presentations of
work-in-progress are welcome.
- Retreats act as a platform for experts to gather to tackle issues of
a predetermined
research agenda. Retreats are highly interactive and goal-oriented,
allowing participants
to address open challenges, explore new and uncharted ideas.
- Agenda-setting workshops provide a forum for experts to determine a
research agenda for
a sub-field.
- Other common activities at workshops include poster sessions,
hands-on practical work,
and focus groups.

Workshops that include the presentation of research papers, and that
implement a SIGPLAN-approved selection process may archive proceedings
in the ACM Digital Library. To archive the proceedings in the ACM
Digital Library, the proceedings must be peer reviewed, the program
committee must adhere to the [SIGPLAN Diversity
 ), and
the program committee must be approved by the SIGPLAN Executive
Committee, as described in the SIGPLAN Diversity Policy.

Workshop applications will be considered until **March 1, 2024**, or
until all slots are allocated.

## Workshop Proposal Submission

[Submit your workshop proposal through this
The form also contains more information on requirements and the
evaluation process. To submit a
workshop proposal, you will need to log in to

### Publication

For workshops with proceedings published in the ACM Digital Library,
September 1 2024 is the camera-ready deadline. Therefore, you should plan
to notify authors several days before this date, so that they have time
for revisions.

### Organizing Committee

Amin Alipour, University of Houston, USA
Qirun Zhang, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA

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