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Abstract submission deadline: 7 April 2024 16 April 2024

Paper submission deadline: 10 April 2024 19 April 2024

Application for ASL student funding: 19 March 2024 (expired)


The Fifteenth International Symposium on Games, Automata, Logics, and Formal 
Verification (GandALF 24) will be held in Reykjavik (Iceland) on June 19-21, 
2024. This year, GandALF is part of the Reykjavik Summer of Cool Logic 2024 
(SCooL 2024) and is co-located with the Twelfth Scandinavian Logic Symposium 
(SLSS 2024) and the Fifth Nordic Logic Summer School (NLS 2024).

The aim of GandALF 2024 is to bring together researchers from academia and 
industry who are actively working in the fields of Games, Automata, Logics, and 
Formal Verification. The idea is to cover an ample spectrum of themes, ranging 
from theory to applications, and stimulate cross-fertilization. Papers focused 
on formal methods are especially welcome. Authors are invited to submit 
original research or tool papers on all relevant topics in these areas. Papers 
discussing new ideas that are at an early stage of development are also 
welcome. The topics covered by the conference include, but are not limited to, 
the following:

Automata Theory

Automated Deduction

Computational aspects of Game Theory

Concurrency and Distributed computation

Decision Procedures

Deductive, Compositional, and Abstraction Techniques for Verification

Finite Model Theory

First-order and Higher-order Logics

Formal Languages

Formal Methods for Systems Biology, Hybrid, Embedded, and Mobile Systems

Game Semantics

Games and Automata for Verification

Logical aspects of Computational Complexity

Logics of Programs

Modal and Temporal Logics

Model Checking

Models of Reactive and Real-Time Systems

Probabilistic Models (Markov Decision processes)

Program Analysis and Software Verification

Reinforcement Learning

Run-time Verification and Testing

Specification and Verification of Finite and Infinite-state Systems


Important Dates

Abstract submission deadline: 7 April 2024

Paper submission deadline: 10 April 2024

Acceptance notification: 10 May 2024

Camera-ready deadline: 10 June 2024

Conference dates: 19-21 June 2024

⚠ all deadlines are AoE


The proceedings will be published by Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical 
Computer Science 
 ). Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit a revised version of 
their work to a special issue of the high-quality, open-access journal Logical 
Methods in Computer Science.

The previous editions of GandALF already led to special issues of the 
International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science (GandALF 2010), 
Theoretical Computer Science (GandALF 2011 and 2012), Information and 
Computation (GandALF 2013, 2014, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020), Acta 
Informatica (GandALF 2015) and Logical Methods in Computer Science (GandALF 
2021, 2022, and 2023).


Submitted papers should not exceed 14 pages (excluding references and clearly 
marked appendices) typeset using EPTCS format (please use the LaTeX style 
provided at 
 ), be unpublished, and contain original research. For papers reporting 
experimental results, authors are encouraged to make their data available with 
their submission. Submissions must be in PDF format and will be handled via 
easychair at the following address:


ASL sponsorship

GandALF 2024, as part of SCooL 2024, is sponsored by the Association for 
Symbolic Logic 
 ), which means that tudents that are ASL members may apply for ASL travel 
support for any or all events in the context of SCooL 2024. Applications and 
recommendations for any of the events must be received before the 19th of 
March. No late applications will be accepted. Decisions will be communicated 
before the 19th of April.

Student Accommodation

Students attending SCooL 2024 can apply for shared accommodation close to 
Reykjavik University. However, please note that accommodation availability is 
limited, and priority will be granted to those attending multiple events. The 
application deadline is May 15, 2024, but interested students are encouraged to 
apply as soon as possible.

To apply for a spot and for more information, please visit 

Invited Speakers

GandALF 2024 will feature four invited talks, which will be delivered by

  *   Bernd Finkbeiner (CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security)

  *   Kim G. Larsen (Aalborg University)

  *   Brigitte Pientka (McGill University)

  *   Azalea Raad (Imperial College London)

Program Committee


Antonis Achilleos (Reykjavik University)

Andrian Francalanza (University of Malta)


Parosh Aziz Abdulla (Uppsala University)

Valentina Castiglioni (Eindhoven University of Technology)

Aggeliki Chalki (Reykjavik University)

Laure Daviaud (University of East Anglia)

Dario Della Monica (Università degli Studi di Udine)

Giorgio Delzanno (Università degli Studi di Genova)

Léo Exibard (Université Gustave Eiffel)

Nicola Gigante (Free University of Bozen-Bolzano)

Julian Gutierrez (Monash University)

Jonas Kastberg Hinrichsen (Aarhus University)

Ryan Kavanagh (Université du Québec à Montréal)

Orna Kupferman (Hebrew University)

Martin Leucker (University of Luebeck)

Jakub Michaliszyn (University of Wroclaw)

Laura Nenzi (University of Trieste)

Paweł Parys (University of Warsaw)

Guillermo Perez (University of Antwerp)

Jakob Piribauer (TU Dresden)

Ocan Sankur (Univ Rennes, CNRS)

Felix Stutz (University of Luxembourg)

Patrick Totzke (University of Liverpool)

Tomoyuk Yamakami (University of Fukui)

Matteo Zavatteri (University of Padova)

Martin Zimmermann (Aalborg University)

Steering Committee

Luca Aceto – Reykjavik University (Iceland) and Gran Sasso Science Institute 

Javier Esparza – University of Munich (Germany)

Salvatore La Torre – University of Salerno (Italy)

Angelo Montanari – University of Udine (Italy)

Mimmo Parente – University of Salerno (Italy)

Jean-François Raskin – Université libre de Bruxelles (Belgium)

Martin Zimmermann – Aalborg University (Denmark)



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