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The CASH Team at Inria Lyon, France, is opening a postdoc or PhD position on Staged meta-programming for DSLs.

The goal of this project is to allow easy definition of well typed code rewriting in the context of the AnyDSL language. See details below or at https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.ens-lyon.fr/LIP/CASH/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/these-DSL-opti.pdf__;!!IBzWLUs!VWmWYOgZjJQnWZxWR-AWeebg5PXyaPxE7mM0fYzIjUGHldxJ8E4nulO6QMTO595LhZlmneZDXQW0DxsISICGxtDYztIUWDtzIIyh$ Candidates should have either a master degree or a PhD, and have a taste in programming language design, DSLs, and compilation. Please apply by sending an email to <gabriel.rada...@inria.fr> .

# Abstract

Domain-Specific Languages (DSL) are instrumental in exploring new complex use cases through novel programming techniques. DSLs have been at a forefront of recent computer science innovations, from blockchains (contract languages) to quantum computing (Quipper, Q#, ...), including machine learning (TensorFlow, ...). For High Performance Computing.

Unfortunately, designing such custom optimisations is a difficult task. It requires extending an existing compiler, or even more difficult: creating a new language from scratch. Some languages, such as AnyDSL (https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://anydsl.github.io/__;!!IBzWLUs!VWmWYOgZjJQnWZxWR-AWeebg5PXyaPxE7mM0fYzIjUGHldxJ8E4nulO6QMTO595LhZlmneZDXQW0DxsISICGxtDYztIUWEiGl3B4$ ), make defining "Domain Specific Libraries" easier, by leveraging partial evaluation. While this provides a convenient user interface, writing complex code transformations in such a context is still difficult.

This project aims to propose*first class optimisations*, which allow to define optimisations and program transformations as first class objects of the language, similarly to function. Such first class optimisations can be defined by the user for a specific purpose, composed with other transformations, and then packaged as libraries and distributed to other users of the language.

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