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PLAS 2024 Call for Papers
19th Workshop on Programming Languages and Analysis for Security (PLAS 2024)

Salt Lake City, co-located with ACM CCS'24
October 14, 2024


Important Dates

Paper submission: June 20, 2024 (AoE) -- Extended to June 30, 2024 (AOE)
Author notification: August 8, 2024 (AoE)
Workshop date: October 14, 2024


PLAS provides a forum for exploring and evaluating the use of programming
language and program analysis techniques for promoting security in the complete
range of software systems, from compilers to machine-learned models and smart
contracts. The workshop encourages proposals of new, speculative ideas,
evaluations of new or known techniques in practical settings, and discussions of
emerging threats and problems. We also host position papers that are radical,
forward-looking, and lead to lively and insightful discussions influential to
the future research at the intersection of programming languages and security.

The scope of PLAS includes, but is not limited to:

- Language-based techniques for detecting and eliminating side-channel
- Programming language techniques and verification applied to security in other
  domains (e.g. adversarial learning and smart contracts)
- Software isolation techniques (e.g., SFI and sandboxing) and compiler-based
  hardening techniques (e.g, secure compilation).
- Compiler-based security mechanisms (e.g. security type systems) or
  runtime-based security mechanisms (e.g. inline reference monitors)
- Techniques for discovering and detecting security vulnerabilities, including
  program (binary) analysis and fuzzing- Automated introduction and/or
  verification of security enforcement mechanisms
- Language-based verification of security properties in software, including
  verification of cryptographic protocols
- Specifying and enforcing security policies for information flow and access
- Model-driven approaches to security
- Security concerns for Web programming languages
- Language design for security in new domains such as cloud computing and IoT
- Applications, case studies, and implementations of these techniques


Call for Papers

We invite both short papers and long papers. For short papers, we especially
encourage the submission of position papers that are likely to generate lively
discussion as well as short papers covering ongoing and future work.

- Full papers: There is no page limit on long papers. Papers in this category
  are expected to have relatively mature content. Papers that present promising
  preliminary and exploratory work, or recently published work are particularly
  welcome in this category. Long papers may receive longer talk slots at the
  workshop than short papers, depending on the number of accepted submissions.

- Short papers: should be at most 2 pages long, plus as many pages as needed for
  references. Papers that present radical, open-ended and forward-looking ideas
  are particularly welcome in this category. Authors submitting papers in this
  category must prepend the phrase "Short Paper:" to the title of the submitted

The workshop has no published workshop proceedings and there is no restriction
on paper format other than the page limits stated above. Presenting a paper
(either short or long) at the workshop does not preclude submission to or
publication in other venues that are before, concurrent, or after the workshop.
Papers presented at the workshop will be made available to workshop participants

Submissions will be made (in PDF format) via the following HotCRP instance:

For any queries, please contact us at: plasworkshop2...@gmail.com


Program Committee

- Mohammad M. Ahmadpanah (Chalmers University)
- Ethan Cecchetti (University of Wisconsin)
- Lesly-Ann Daniel (KU Leuven, Co-Chair)
- Andrew Hirsch (University at Buffalo)
- Marco Patrignani (University of Trento)
- Vineet Rajani (University of Kent, Co-Chair)
- Robert Sison (UNSW Sydney)
- Pierre Wilke (CentraleSupélec, Rennes)
- Nisansala Yatapanage (Australian National University)


Best regards,

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