[ The Types Forum, http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-list ]

One can extract witnesses only for Pi^0_2 sentences. Otherwise
classical proofs of existential statements don't give you witnesses.

That's part of our conditio humana...


On Thu, May 20, 2021 at 09:17:27AM +0200, Gabriel Scherer wrote:
> >
> > I don't understand how this semantics works;
> >
> Some references:
> - on Parigot's lambda-mu calculus
>   "An algorithmic interpretation of classical natural deduction", Michel
> Parigot, 1992
>   https://www.cs.ru.nl/~freek/courses/tt-2011/papers/parigot.pdf
> - on the nicer "classical abstract machines":
>   "The duality of computation", Hugo Herbelin and Pierre-Louis Curien, 2000
>   https://hal.inria.fr/inria-00156377/document
>   "Classical *F*??, orthogonality and symmetric candidates", Stéphane
> Lengrand and Alexandre MIquel, 2008
>   http://www.csl.sri.com/users/sgl/Work/Reports/APAL2007.pdf
>   "The duality of computation under focus", Pierre-Louis Curien and
> Guillaume Munch-Maccagnoni, 2010
>   https://arxiv.org/pdf/1006.2283
> However, if I understand your interpretation correctly, then term1 should
> > reduce to 0 but term2 should reduce to 1.
> >
> Yes, terms in classical systems can replace the current continuation (and
> erase it or duplicate it), so (let _ := term 0 in term 1) is not
> necessarily equivalent to (term 1) (if we assume call-by-value reduction,
> at least at type Nat, you will get 0 here instead of 1 as you predict).
> Computing with excluded middle is "effectful".
> Another issue is that typechecking requires normalization under binders,
> > but normalization under binders seems to invalidate the semantics you
> > suggest, because the proof of A might be not be well-scoped in the context
> > in which you asked for it.
> >
> If we wrote it all down precisely, I think that there would be free
> variables (term variables or co-term/continuation blocks) in various places
> that "block" some of the computations, no scope escape. We can perfectly
> make sense of reduction under binders in classical calculi, although
> sometimes there results are surprising because control effects are
> surprising.
> (Trivially, it seems like eta-expanding the proof of fake proof of (not A)
> > results in invoking the continuation if you try to fully normalize a term.)
> >
> Yes, eta-expansion is not necessarily valid in an effectful system. In
> general eta-expansion is only possible  terms that your reduction strategy
> will not evaluate right away. (If you choose the reduction strategy
> carefully you can still have nice eta rules for base connectives.)
> I should also mention that classical calculi are hard to mix with dependent
> types (just as most systems that are more effectful or more resourceful
> than usual intuitionistic logic): it's an open problem with active research
> how to provide nice dependently-typed systems that compute with LEM (in the
> syntax of those classical abstract machines, or just with control
> operators), exploring various tradeoffs. See for example
>   "A Classical Sequent Calculus with Dependent Types", Étienne Miquey, 2019
>   https://hal.inria.fr/hal-01519929v3/document
> To summarize: in general giving computational interpretations of newer
> axioms has a cost, we move to a new programming model with, typically,
> weakened program equivalences; and some powerful extension of our logics
> may be incompatible with it or less-compatible. In the particular case of
> excluded middle, I have the impression that we now have well-trodded
> computational interpretations (including just the double-negation
> translation).
> On Thu, May 20, 2021 at 3:53 AM Jason Gross <jasongro...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > >  If you ask for for a proof of (A \/ not A), you get a "fake" proof of
> > (not A); if you ever manage to build a proof of A and try to use it to get
> > a contradiction using this (not A), it will "cheat" by traveling back in
> > time to your "ask",  and serve you your own proof of A.
> >
> > I don't understand how this semantics works; it seems to me that it
> > invalidates the normal reduction rules.
> > Consider the following:
> > Axiom LEM : forall A, A + (A -> False).
> >
> > Definition term1
> >   := match LEM nat as LEM_nat return _ -> match LEM_nat with inl _ => _ |
> > _ => _ end with
> >      | inl v => fun _ => v
> >      | inr bad => fun f => f bad
> >      end (fun bad => let _ := bad 0 in bad 1).
> > Definition term2
> >   := match LEM nat as LEM_nat return _ -> match LEM_nat with inl _ => _ |
> > _ => _ end with
> >      | inl v => fun _ => v
> >      | inr bad => fun f => f bad
> >      end (fun bad => bad 1).
> > Lemma pf : term1 = term2. Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
> >
> > However, if I understand your interpretation correctly, then term1 should
> > reduce to 0 but term2 should reduce to 1.
> >
> > Another issue is that typechecking requires normalization under binders,
> > but normalization under binders seems to invalidate the semantics you
> > suggest, because the proof of A might be not be well-scoped in the context
> > in which you asked for it.  (Trivially, it seems like eta-expanding the
> > proof of fake proof of (not A) results in invoking the continuation if you
> > try to fully normalize a term.)
> >
> > What am I missing/misunderstanding?
> >
> > Best,
> > Jason
> >
> >
> > On Wed, May 19, 2021 at 11:27 AM Gabriel Scherer <
> > gabriel.sche...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> >> I am not convinced by the example of Jason and Thomas, which suggests
> >> that I am missing something.
> >>
> >> We can interpret the excluded middle in classical abstract machines (for
> >> example Curien-Herbelin-family mu-mutilda, or Parigot's earlier classical
> >> lambda-calculus), or in presence of control operators (classical abstract
> >> machines being nicer syntax for non-delimited continuation operators). If
> >> you ask for for a proof of (A \/ not A), you get a "fake" proof of (not A);
> >> if you ever manage to build a proof of A and try to use it to get a
> >> contradiction using this (not A), it will "cheat" by traveling back in time
> >> to your "ask",  and serve you your own proof of A.
> >>
> >> This gives a computational interpretation of (non-truncated) excluded
> >> middle that seems perfectly in line with Talia's notion of "program". Of
> >> course, what we don't get that we might expect is a canonicity property: we
> >> now have "fake" proofs of (A \/ B) that cannot be distinguished from "real"
> >> proofs by normalization alone, you have to interact with them to see where
> >> they take you. (Or, if you see those classical programs through a
> >> double-negation translation, they aren't really at type (A \/ B), but
> >> rather at its double-negation translation, which has weirder normal forms.)
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> On Wed, May 19, 2021 at 5:07 PM Jason Gross <jasongro...@gmail.com>
> >> wrote:
> >>
> >>> [ The Types Forum,
> >>> http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-list ]
> >>>
> >>> Non-truncated Excluded Middle (that is, the version that returns an
> >>> informative disjunction) cannot have a computational interpretation in
> >>> Turing machines, for it would allow you to decide the halting problem.
> >>> More generally, some computational complexity theory is done with
> >>> reference
> >>> to oracles for known-undecidable problems.  Additionally, I'd be
> >>> suspicious
> >>> of a computational interpretation of the consistency of ZFC or PA ----
> >>> would having a computational interpretation of these mean having a type
> >>> theory that believes that there are ground terms of type False in the
> >>> presence of a contradiction in ZFC?
> >>>
> >>> On Wed, May 19, 2021, 07:38 Talia Ringer <trin...@cs.washington.edu>
> >>> wrote:
> >>>
> >>> > [ The Types Forum,
> >>> http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-list
> >>> > ]
> >>> >
> >>> > Somewhat of a complementary question, and proof to the world that I'm
> >>> up at
> >>> > 330 AM still thinking about this:
> >>> >
> >>> > Are there interesting or commonly used logical axioms that we know for
> >>> sure
> >>> > cannot have computational interpretations?
> >>> >
> >>> > On Wed, May 19, 2021, 3:24 AM Neel Krishnaswami <
> >>> > neelakantan.krishnasw...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >>> >
> >>> > > [ The Types Forum,
> >>> > http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-list
> >>> > > ]
> >>> > >
> >>> > > Dear Sandro,
> >>> > >
> >>> > > Yes, you're right -- I didn't answer the question, since I was too
> >>> > > taken by the subject line. :)
> >>> > >
> >>> > > Anyway, I do think that HoTT with a non-reducible univalence axiom is
> >>> > > still a programming language, because we can give a computational
> >>> > > interpretation to that language: for example, you could follow the
> >>> > > strategy of Angiuli, Harper and Wilson's POPL 2017 paper,
> >>> > > *Computational Higher-Dimensional Type Theory*.
> >>> > >
> >>> > > Another, simpler example comes from Martin Escardo's example upthread
> >>> > > of basic Martin-Lo??f type theory with the function extensionality
> >>> > > axiom. You can give a very simple realizability interpretation to the
> >>> > > equality type and extensionality axiom, which lets every compiled
> >>> > > program compute.
> >>> > >
> >>> > > What you lose in both of these cases is not the ability to give a
> >>> > > computational model to the language, but rather the ability to
> >>> > > identify normal forms and to use an oriented version of the
> >>> equational
> >>> > > theory of the language as the evaluation mechanism.
> >>> > >
> >>> > > This is not an overly shocking phenomenon: it occurs even in much
> >>> > > simpler languages than dependent type theories. For example, once you
> >>> > > add the reference type `ref a` to ML, it is no longer the case that
> >>> > > the language has normal forms, because the ref type does not have
> >>> > > introduction and elimination rules with beta- and eta- rules.
> >>> > >
> >>> > > Another way of thinking about this is that often, we *aren't sure*
> >>> > > what the equational theory of our language is or should be. This is
> >>> > > because we often derive a language by thinking about a particular
> >>> > > semantic model, and don't have a clear idea of which equations are
> >>> > > properly part of the theory of the language, and which ones are
> >>> > > accidental features of the concrete model.
> >>> > >
> >>> > > For example, in the case of name generation ??? i.e., ref unit ??? our
> >>> > > intuitions for which equations hold come from the concrete model of
> >>> > > nominal sets. But we don't know which of those equations should hold
> >>> > > in all models of name generation, and which are "coincidental" to
> >>> > > nominal sets.
> >>> > >
> >>> > > Another, more practical, example comes from the theory of state. We
> >>> > > all have the picture of memory as a big array which is updated by
> >>> > > assembly instructions a la the state monad. But this model
> >>> incorrectly
> >>> > > models the behaviour of memory on modern multicore systems. So a
> >>> > > proper theory of state for this case should have fewer equations
> >>> > > than what the folk model of state validates.
> >>> > >
> >>> > >
> >>> > > Best,
> >>> > > Neel
> >>> > >
> >>> > > On 19/05/2021 09:03, Sandro Stucki wrote:
> >>> > > > Talia: thanks for a thought-provoking question, and thanks everyone
> >>> > else
> >>> > > > for all the interesting answers so far!
> >>> > > >
> >>> > > > Neel: I love your explanation and all your examples!
> >>> > > >
> >>> > > > But you didn't really answer Talia's question, did you? I'd be
> >>> curious
> >>> > > > to know where and how HoTT without a computation rule for
> >>> univalence
> >>> > > > would fit into your classification. It would certainly be a
> >>> language,
> >>> > > > and by your definition it has models (e.g. cubical ones) which, if
> >>> I
> >>> > > > understand correctly, can be turned into an abstract machine
> >>> (either a
> >>> > > > rewriting system per your point 4 or whatever the Agda backends
> >>> compile
> >>> > > > to). So according to your definition of programming language
> >>> (point 3),
> >>> > > > this version of HoTT would be a programming language simply because
> >>> > > > there is, in principle, an abstract machine model for it? Is that
> >>> what
> >>> > > > you had in mind?
> >>> > > >
> >>> > > > Cheers
> >>> > > > /Sandro
> >>> > > >
> >>> > > >
> >>> > > > On Wed, May 19, 2021 at 6:21 AM Neel Krishnaswami
> >>> > > > <neelakantan.krishnasw...@gmail.com
> >>> > > > <mailto:neelakantan.krishnasw...@gmail.com>> wrote:
> >>> > > >
> >>> > > >     [ The Types Forum,
> >>> > > >     http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-list
> >>> > > >     <http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-list> ]
> >>> > > >
> >>> > > >     Dear Talia,
> >>> > > >
> >>> > > >     Here's an imprecise but useful way of organising these ideas
> >>> that I
> >>> > > >     found helpful.
> >>> > > >
> >>> > > >     1. A *language* is a (generalised) algebraic theory. Basically,
> >>> > think
> >>> > > >          of a theory as a set of generators and relations in the
> >>> style
> >>> > of
> >>> > > >          abstract algebra.
> >>> > > >
> >>> > > >          You need to beef this up to handle variables (e.g., see
> >>> the
> >>> > > work of
> >>> > > >          Fiore and Hamana) but (a) I promised to be imprecise, and
> >>> (b)
> >>> > > the
> >>> > > >          core intuition that a language is a set of generators for
> >>> > terms,
> >>> > > >          plus a set of equations these terms satisfy is already
> >>> totally
> >>> > > >          visible in the basic case.
> >>> > > >
> >>> > > >          For example:
> >>> > > >
> >>> > > >          a) the simply-typed lambda calculus
> >>> > > >          b) regular expressions
> >>> > > >          c) relational algebra
> >>> > > >
> >>> > > >     2. A *model* of a a language is literally just any old
> >>> mathematical
> >>> > > >          structure which supports the generators of the language
> >>> and
> >>> > > >          respects the equations.
> >>> > > >
> >>> > > >          For example:
> >>> > > >
> >>> > > >          a) you can model the typed lambda calculus using sets
> >>> > > >             for types and mathematical functions for terms,
> >>> > > >          b) you can model regular expressions as denoting
> >>> particular
> >>> > > >             languages (ie, sets of strings)
> >>> > > >          c) you can model relational algebra expressions as sets of
> >>> > > >             tuples
> >>> > > >
> >>> > > >     2. A *model of computation* or *machine model* is basically a
> >>> > > >          description of an abstract machine that we think can be
> >>> > > implemented
> >>> > > >          with physical hardware, at least in principle. So these
> >>> are
> >>> > > things
> >>> > > >          like finite state machines, Turing machines, Petri nets,
> >>> > > pushdown
> >>> > > >          automata, register machines, circuits, and so on.
> >>> Basically,
> >>> > > think
> >>> > > >          of models of computation as the things you study in a
> >>> > > computability
> >>> > > >          class.
> >>> > > >
> >>> > > >          The Church-Turing thesis bounds which abstract machines we
> >>> > > think it
> >>> > > >          is possible to physically implement.
> >>> > > >
> >>> > > >     3. A language is a *programming language* when you can give at
> >>> > least
> >>> > > >          one model of the language using some machine model.
> >>> > > >
> >>> > > >          For example:
> >>> > > >
> >>> > > >          a) the types of the lambda calculus can be viewed as
> >>> partial
> >>> > > >             equivalence relations over Go??del codes for some
> >>> universal
> >>> > > turing
> >>> > > >             machine, and the terms of a type can be assigned to
> >>> > > equivalence
> >>> > > >             classes of the corresponding PER.
> >>> > > >
> >>> > > >          b) Regular expressions can be interpreted into finite
> >>> state
> >>> > > >     machines
> >>> > > >             quotiented by bisimulation.
> >>> > > >
> >>> > > >          c) A set in relational algebra can be realised as
> >>> equivalence
> >>> > > >             classes of B-trees, and relational algebra expressions
> >>> as
> >>> > > nested
> >>> > > >             for-loops over them.
> >>> > > >
> >>> > > >         Note that in all three cases we have to quotient the
> >>> machine
> >>> > > model
> >>> > > >         by a suitable equivalence relation to preserve the
> >>> equations of
> >>> > > the
> >>> > > >         language's theory.
> >>> > > >
> >>> > > >         This quotient is *very* important, and is the source of a
> >>> lot
> >>> > of
> >>> > > >         confusion. It hides the equivalences the language theory
> >>> wants
> >>> > to
> >>> > > >         deny, but that is not always what the programmer wants ???
> >>> e.g.,
> >>> > is
> >>> > > >         merge sort equal to bubble sort? As mathematical functions,
> >>> > they
> >>> > > >         surely are, but if you consider them as operations running
> >>> on
> >>> > an
> >>> > > >         actual computer, then we will have strong preferences!
> >>> > > >
> >>> > > >     4. A common source of confusion arises from the fact that if
> >>> you
> >>> > have
> >>> > > >          a nice type-theoretic language (like the STLC), then:
> >>> > > >
> >>> > > >          a) the term model of this theory will be the initial
> >>> model in
> >>> > > the
> >>> > > >             category of models, and
> >>> > > >          b) you can turn the terms into a machine
> >>> > > >             model by orienting some of the equations the
> >>> lambda-theory
> >>> > > >             satisfies and using them as rewrites.
> >>> > > >
> >>> > > >          As a result we abuse language to talk about the theory of
> >>> the
> >>> > > >          simply-typed calculus as "being" a programming language.
> >>> This
> >>> > is
> >>> > > >          also where operational semantics comes from, at least for
> >>> > purely
> >>> > > >          functional languages.
> >>> > > >
> >>> > > >     Best,
> >>> > > >     Neel
> >>> > > >
> >>> > > >     On 18/05/2021 20:42, Talia Ringer wrote:
> >>> > > >      > [ The Types Forum,
> >>> > > >     http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-list
> >>> > > >     <http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-list> ]
> >>> > > >      >
> >>> > > >      > Hi friends,
> >>> > > >      >
> >>> > > >      > I have a strange discussion I'd like to start. Recently I
> >>> was
> >>> > > >     debating with
> >>> > > >      > someone whether Curry-Howard extends to arbitrary logical
> >>> > > >     systems---whether
> >>> > > >      > all proofs are programs in some sense. I argued yes, he
> >>> argued
> >>> > > >     no. But
> >>> > > >      > after a while of arguing, we realized that we had different
> >>> > > >     axioms if you
> >>> > > >      > will modeling what a "program" is. Is any term that can be
> >>> typed
> >>> > > >     a program?
> >>> > > >      > I assumed yes, he assumed no.
> >>> > > >      >
> >>> > > >      > So then I took to Twitter, and I asked the following
> >>> questions
> >>> > > (some
> >>> > > >      > informal language here, since audience was Twitter):
> >>> > > >      >
> >>> > > >      > 1. If you're working in a language in which not all terms
> >>> > compute
> >>> > > >     (say,
> >>> > > >      > HoTT without a computational interpretation of univalence,
> >>> so
> >>> > not
> >>> > > >     cubical),
> >>> > > >      > would you still call terms that mostly compute but rely on
> >>> > axioms
> >>> > > >      > "programs"?
> >>> > > >      >
> >>> > > >      > 2. If you answered no, would you call a term that does fully
> >>> > > >     compute in the
> >>> > > >      > same language a "program"?
> >>> > > >      >
> >>> > > >      > People actually really disagreed here; there was nothing
> >>> > > resembling
> >>> > > >      > consensus. Is a term a program if it calls out to an oracle?
> >>> > > >     Relies on an
> >>> > > >      > unrealizable axiom? Relies on an axiom that is realizable,
> >>> but
> >>> > > >     not yet
> >>> > > >      > realized, like univalence before cubical existed? (I suppose
> >>> > some
> >>> > > >     reliance
> >>> > > >      > on axioms at some point is necessary, which makes this even
> >>> > > >     weirder to
> >>> > > >      > me---what makes univalence different to people who do not
> >>> view
> >>> > > >     terms that
> >>> > > >      > invoke it as an axiom as programs?)
> >>> > > >      >
> >>> > > >      > Anyways, it just feels strange to get to the last three
> >>> weeks of
> >>> > > my
> >>> > > >      > programming languages PhD, and realize I've never once asked
> >>> > what
> >>> > > >     makes a
> >>> > > >      > term a program ????. So it'd be interesting to hear your
> >>> thoughts.
> >>> > > >      >
> >>> > > >      > Talia
> >>> > > >      >
> >>> > > >
> >>> > >
> >>> >
> >>>
> >>

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