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Dear all,
    you may remember the announcement made in July of the Second French
National Plan for Open Science, which included significant new provisions
for supporting open access, open sourcing software produced by research,
and recognizing the development efforts made by colleagues and research
I'm delighted to share the news that the official english version is now
available online
and will allow you to better appreciate the breadth of scope of this
official plan of the french ministry of research.

The translation took a bit longer than expected, but it was worth the wait.

Feel free to share as you see fit



Computer Science Professor
           (on leave at Inria from IRIF/Université de Paris)

Software Heritage             E-mail : robe...@dicosmo.org
INRIA                            Web : 
Bureau C328                  Twitter : 
2, Rue Simone Iff                Tel : +33 1 80 49 44 42
CS 42112
75589 Paris Cedex 12

GPG fingerprint 2931 20CE 3A5A 5390 98EC 8BFC FCCA C3BE 39CB 12D3

On Mon, 19 Jul 2021 at 14:16, Roberto Di Cosmo <robe...@dicosmo.org> wrote:

> Dear all,
>    I am delighted to share great news from France: on July 6th, the French
> Ministry of Research unveiled the second multi-annual National Plan for
> Open Science, which is a landmark policy document.
> The official document is available online from the website of the French
> Ministry of Research
> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://cache.media.enseignementsup-recherche.gouv.fr/file/science_ouverte/20/9/MEN_brochure_PNSO_web_1415209.pdf__;!!IBzWLUs!AzbVj4FLV-8W-8WpFNwhchqfrnzaNb6aJq3QOS3gBD8iqklubqjZ2kj-9_kWbQXvXBrlnxV--ag$
>  >,
> with an unofficial (and perfectible) english translation available at
> https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.ouvrirlascience.fr/second-national-plan-for-open-science/__;!!IBzWLUs!AzbVj4FLV-8W-8WpFNwhchqfrnzaNb6aJq3QOS3gBD8iqklubqjZ2kj-9_kWbQXvXBrlTFXSUp0$
>   (an
> official English version will be available in a few weeks from the
> Ministry of Resarch dedicated page
> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.enseignementsup-recherche.gouv.fr/cid159131/le-plan-national-pour-la-science-ouverte-2021-2024-vers-une-generalisation-de-la-science-ouverte-en-france.html__;!!IBzWLUs!AzbVj4FLV-8W-8WpFNwhchqfrnzaNb6aJq3QOS3gBD8iqklubqjZ2kj-9_kWbQXvXBrlVfLvT_c$
>  >
> ).
> For our community, I believe two parts of this plan are particularly
> interesting: section 1, that contains important concrete provisions to
> foster Open Access; and section 3, that squarely puts software on a par
> with publications and data in research and Open Science, and announces a
> number of measures designed to open up research software and better
> recognize software development in research.
> Here are some significant measures that are announced for research
> publications (section 1 of the plan):
>    - achieve 100% open access publications by 2030
>    - support Diamond open access publishing
>    - request that the data and code associated with the article texts
>    submitted be provided
>    - promote the use of narrative CVs to reduce the importance of
>    quantitative assessments to the benefit of qualitative ones
> Here are some highlights of the measures related to software (section 3 of
> the plan):
>    - a clear recommendation to make research software available under an
>    open source licence, unless there are strong reasons not to do so
>    - the creation of a high level expert group dedicated to research
>    software in the National Committee for Open Science
>    - the objective to achieve better recognition of software development
>    in career evaluation for researchers and engineers
>    - a renewed and strengthened official support of Software Heritage
> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.softwareheritage.org/__;!!IBzWLUs!AzbVj4FLV-8W-8WpFNwhchqfrnzaNb6aJq3QOS3gBD8iqklubqjZ2kj-9_kWbQXvXBrlr0PO4RU$
>  >, with a recommendation to archive
>    in it *all research software produced in France* (a simple HOWTO is
>    available at
> https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.softwareheritage.org/howto-archive-and-reference-your-code/__;!!IBzWLUs!AzbVj4FLV-8W-8WpFNwhchqfrnzaNb6aJq3QOS3gBD8iqklubqjZ2kj-9_kWbQXvXBrl9jAtrmU$
>    )
>    - a plan to get an ISO standard for the Software Heritage intrinsic
>    identifiers
> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.softwareheritage.org/2020/07/09/intrinsic-vs-extrinsic-identifiers/__;!!IBzWLUs!AzbVj4FLV-8W-8WpFNwhchqfrnzaNb6aJq3QOS3gBD8iqklubqjZ2kj-9_kWbQXvXBrlRK6928o$
>  >
>     for source code [1]
> To the best of my knowledge, it is the first time that such an organic,
> clearly designed strategy for (open source) software in research is laid
> out in an official government-level document.
> --
> Roberto
> [1] these identifiers (aka SWHID
> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.softwareheritage.org/2020/05/13/swhid-adoption/__;!!IBzWLUs!AzbVj4FLV-8W-8WpFNwhchqfrnzaNb6aJq3QOS3gBD8iqklubqjZ2kj-9_kWbQXvXBrlIyPePYs$
>  >) allow  to
> pinpoint inside the archive any software artifact, down to the level of the
> line of code. For example, here is a *nice fragment in the Apollo 11
> source code
> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://archive.softwareheritage.org/swh:1:cnt:1baf1ca1d5d06dd4518520d89482ff94c02dfbae;origin=https:/github.com/chrislgarry/Apollo-11;visit=swh:1:snp:7c00bec40f5e077e0d7acf92aaa4aaa63cd5d71b;anchor=swh:1:rev:422050965990dfa8ad1ffe4ae92e793d7d1ddae5;path=/Luminary099/BURN_BABY_BURN--MASTER_IGNITION_ROUTINE.agc;lines=53-72/__;!!IBzWLUs!AzbVj4FLV-8W-8WpFNwhchqfrnzaNb6aJq3QOS3gBD8iqklubqjZ2kj-9_kWbQXvXBrlV6aX_-o$
>  >* and
> here is *a mythical routine in the Quake III Arena source code
> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://archive.softwareheritage.org/swh:1:cnt:bb0faf6919fc60636b2696f32ec9b3c2adb247fe;origin=https:/github.com/id-Software/Quake-III-Arena;visit=swh:1:snp:4ab9bcef131aaf449a7c01370aff8c91dcecbf5f;anchor=swh:1:rev:dbe4ddb10315479fc00086f08e25d968b4b43c49;path=/code/game/q_math.c;lines=546-579/__;!!IBzWLUs!AzbVj4FLV-8W-8WpFNwhchqfrnzaNb6aJq3QOS3gBD8iqklubqjZ2kj-9_kWbQXvXBrlYRQND9E$
>  >*
> *. *For a short demo, see 
> https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8nlSvYh7VpI__;!!IBzWLUs!AzbVj4FLV-8W-8WpFNwhchqfrnzaNb6aJq3QOS3gBD8iqklubqjZ2kj-9_kWbQXvXBrlT6_zmAE$
>   (the
> interesting part starts around 9:00)
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> Computer Science Professor
>            (on leave at Inria from IRIF/Université de Paris)
> Director
> Software Heritage             E-mail : robe...@dicosmo.org
> INRIA                            Web : 
> https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.dicosmo.org__;!!IBzWLUs!AzbVj4FLV-8W-8WpFNwhchqfrnzaNb6aJq3QOS3gBD8iqklubqjZ2kj-9_kWbQXvXBrlQRrcKzc$
> Bureau C328                  Twitter : 
> https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://twitter.com/rdicosmo__;!!IBzWLUs!AzbVj4FLV-8W-8WpFNwhchqfrnzaNb6aJq3QOS3gBD8iqklubqjZ2kj-9_kWbQXvXBrlqnETQ3Y$
> 2, Rue Simone Iff                Tel : +33 1 80 49 44 42
> CS 42112
> 75589 Paris Cedex 12
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> GPG fingerprint 2931 20CE 3A5A 5390 98EC 8BFC FCCA C3BE 39CB 12D3

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