[ The Types Forum, http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-list ]

Hi all,

I am seconding Neel's concern, and wish to thank him for bringing it up. After 
much agonising, I have chosen not to go to POPL at all this year despite the 
fact that I have ***two papers*** in the conference; I regret the appearance of 
snubbing my very worthy coauthors' talks, but ENOUGH IS ENOUGH — the costs are 
absurd, and have been increasing significantly over time rapidly. Note that it 
is not enough to say that the costs are coming from improvements or increased 
value-added to our conferences — the question is not whether the conferences 
are providing enough value for the cost, but rather whether it is at all 
tenable for individual researchers to pay these costs. If POPL were three times 
as good and therefore cost three times as much, that would mean that almost 
nobody would be able to attend it. So we must consider costs first.

I simply cannot justify burning such a large portion of my travel budget on 
conference travel, when I could use it for things that will actually pay 
dividends for both me and the community — like paying for young people to visit 
my institution, or sending my students on scientific visits.

In the future I will likely send students to SIGPLAN conferences when they have 
a paper, as it is (currently) important for their careers... But I think I will 
abstain from my own participation unless I see some community consensus and 
commitment around substantially lowering costs.


On Wed, Dec 13, 2023, at 12:03 PM, Neel Krishnaswami wrote:
> [ The Types Forum, http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-list ]
> Hi,
> I just registered for POPL, and the total cost was over 2000 USD. This 
> seems really high, and it seems something that has gotten a lot worse 
> over the last year or two. For example, ICFP a few months ago was 1500 
> USD, and POPL last year was 1375 USD.
> Does anyone know what factors have been driving up the cost of our 
> conferences up so quickly? I'm worried we're making our events 
> inaccessible to anyone but the best-funded researchers and institutions.
> Best,
> Neel

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