[ The Types Forum, http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-list ]

Hi all,

I am working on a system with explicit universe polymorphism similar to Agda, a 
la Bezem et al. [1], with non-cumulative, Tarski-style universes. When I try to 
give a semantics to types and universes a la Abel et al.[2], it does not seem 
obvious to me how universe polymorphism should be captured. In particular, I am 
not sure how do we say "the semantics is coherent with substitutions with 
universe variables", or more technically, how the semantics of U(l) should be 
assigned where l is a universe variable, so that the semantics of U(k) is 
obtained given a substitution k/l for some well-formed universe level k?

Any pointer is appreciated.


Jason Hu

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